
The phantom of dreams we praised you as an imam

طيف الخيال حمدنا منك إلماما

1. The phantom of dreams we praised you as an imam
You cured illness and you also caused maladies

١. طَيفَ الخَيالِ حَمِدنا مِنكَ إِلماما
داوَيتَ سُقماً وَقَد هَيَّجتَ أَسقاما

2. For Allah’s sake, an ignorant shepherd who wronged us
If only he could prevent dreams for us in sleep

٢. لِلَّهِ واشٍ رَعى زَوراً أَلَمَّ بِنا
لَو كانَ يَمنَعُنا في النَومِ أَحلاما

3. We spent the night sleepless while the night guarded us
Until dawn rose high and fell asleep

٣. بِتنا هُجوداً وَباتَ اللَيلُ حارِسُنا
حَتّى إِذا الفَلَقُ اِستَعلى لَهُ ناما

4. I said at dawn while still not happy
How lovely this night would have been had it lasted

٤. قَد قُلتُ وَالصُبحُ عِندي غَيرَ مُغتَبِطٍ
ما كانَ أَطيَبَ هَذا اللَيلُ لَو داما

5. Blaming the one I passionately love, I reconciled with him
I tied the rope of frivolity with the rope of passion when he blamed me

٥. وَلائِمٍ في هَوى أَروى وَصَلتُ لَهُ
حَبلَ الخَليعِ بِحَبلِ اللَهوِ إِذ لاما

6. I have secret loves that still
Recall the past and do not gather sins

٦. عِندي سَرائِرُ حُبٍّ ما يَزالُ لَها
تَذكارُ عَهدٍ وَما يَقرِفنَ آثاما

7. If not for Yazid and days of the past
Al-Walid would have lived with the misguided for years

٧. لَولا يَزيدُ وَأَيّامٌ لَهُ سَلَفَت
عاشَ الوَليدُ مَعَ الغاوينَ أَعواما

8. The Caliph asked for a sword from the Bani Matar
To go forth and pierce through bodies and skulls

٨. سَلَّ الخَليفَةُ سَيفاً مِن بَني مَطَرٍ
يَمضي فَيَختَرِقُ الأَجسادَ وَالهاما

9. Like fate it does not bend for anyone it intends
It made people submit to favors and coercion

٩. كَالدَهرِ لا يَنثَني عَمَّن يَهُمُّ بِهِ
قَد أَوسَعَ الناسَ إِنعاماً وَإِرغاما

10. It protected the Caliphate and Islam so it refused
Like a lion protecting its cubs and uniting them

١٠. حَمى الخِلافَةَ وَالإِسلامَ فَاِمتَنَعا
كَاللَيثِ يَحمي مَعَ الأَشبالِ آجاما

11. Honor it and its forefathers who preceded it
They left behind days and days of glory

١١. أَكرِم بِهِ وَبِآباءٍ لَهُ سَلَفوا
أَبقَوا مِنَ المَجدِ أَيّاماً وَأَيّاما

12. You see the chiefs gathered around his room
Seeking the most splendid smile of the generous

١٢. تَرى العُفاةَ عُكوفاًحَولَ حُجرَتِهِ
يَرجونَ أَروَعَ رَحبَ الباعِ بَسّاما

13. He says no and yes to both their praises
Both mean the same to him when he intends to do something

١٣. يَقولُ لا وَنَعَم في وَجهِ حَمدِهِما
كِلتاهُما مِنهُ قَد تَمضي لِما راما

14. A victory at Harun's hands that he sends
Against his enemies whether they rebel or submit

١٤. مَنِيَّةٌ في يَدَي هارونَ يَبعَثُها
عَلى أَعاديهِ إِن سامى وَإِن حاما

15. The best of creation are the forefathers when remembered
And the most dignified people are the uncles and paternal uncles

١٥. خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِ آباءً إِذا ذُكِروا
وَأَكرَمُ الناسِ أَخوالاً وَأَعماماً

16. Money and enemies complained of his hand
He still sheds darkness on money and enemies

١٦. تَظَلَّمَ المالُ وَالأَعداءُ مِن يَدِهِ
لا زالَ لِلمالِ وَالأَعداءِ ظَلّاما

17. Matar's ambitions that ruined Al-Walid
Yazid's courage intensifies his bravery

١٧. أَردى الوَليدَ هُمامٌ مِن بَني مَطَرٍ
يَزيدُهُ الرَوعُ يَومَ الرَوعِ إِقداما

18. A firm male whose fame a male fame pursues
In his palm a male fame with which he pierces the mind

١٨. صَمصامَةٌ ذَكَرٌ يَعدو بِهِ ذَكَرٌ
في كَفِّهِ ذَكَرٌ يَفري بِهِ الهاما

19. Deaths pass as his tongue passes
As if his saddle carries a full moon and darkness

١٩. تَمضي المَنايا كَما تَمضي أَسِنَّتُهُ
كَأَنَّ في سِرجِهِ بَدراً وَضِرغاما

20. His sword quenched the thirst of the questioning as it did
Quench the thirst of spilt blood, a spear and a sword

٢٠. أَروى بِجَدواهُ ظَمَأَ السائِلينَ كَما
أَروى نَجيعَ دَمٍ رُمحاً وَصَمصاما

21. Yazid by his nature cannot refrain
From fate and kindness no matter what

٢١. لا يَستَطيعُ يَزيدٌ مِن طَبيعَتِهِ
عَنِ المَنِيَّةِ وَالمَعروفِ إِحجاما

22. Horses that time always drives
Into the depths of death on the day of battle

٢٢. خَيلٌ لَهُ ما يَزالُ الدَهرُ يُقحِمُها
في غَمرَةِ المَوتِ يَومَ الرَوعِ إِقحاما

23. When a King surfaces, curtains are lifted
Light and darkness dress witnesses

٢٣. إِذا بَدا رُفِعَ الأَستارُ عَن مَلِكٍ
تُكسى الشُهودُ بِهِ نُوراً وَإِظلاما

24. I swear you did not sleep from conquering Kings
The Caliph did not stop granting you favors

٢٤. أَقسَمتُ مانِمتَ عَن قَهرِ المُلوكِ وَلا
كانَ الخَليفَةُ عَن نُعماكَ نَوّاما

25. You recalled the sword of Allah's Messenger and his Sunnah
And the might of the first who prayed and fasted

٢٥. أَذكَرتَ سَيفَ رَسولِ اللَهِ سُنَّتَهُ
وَبَأسَ أَوَّلَ مَن صَلّى وَمَن صاما

26. If people thank your good deeds
You have provided the children of Eve with much favor

٢٦. إِن يَشكُر الناسُ ما أَولَيتَ مِن حَسَنٍ
فَقَد وَسَعتَ بَني حَوّاءَ إِنعاما

27. You severed ties of kinship for Allah as you did join ties of kinship
Ties of kinships and more ties of kinships

٢٧. قَطَعتَ في اللَهِ أَرحامَ القَريبِ كَما
وَصَلتَ في اللَهِ أَرحاماً وَأَرحاما

28. When the Caliphate was counted, you were its
Glory, and the Abbasids were rulers

٢٨. إِذا الخِلافَةُ عُدَّت كُنتَ أَنتَ لَها
عِزّاً وَكانَ بَنو العَبّاسِ حُكّاما

29. No dignitary whom Kings submitted to
Except sees you with veneration and prestige

٢٩. ما مِن عَظيمٍ قَدِ أَنقادَ المُلوكُ لَهُ
إِلّا يَرى لَكَ إِجلالاً وَإِعظاما

30. Whoever hopes from you, attains with hopes
Wisdom, knowledge, goodness and Islam

٣٠. يُصيبُ مِنكَ مَعَ الآمالِ صاحِبُها
حِلماً وَعِلماً وَمَعروفاً وَإِسلاما

31. How many cities where you arrived
And the traveling company found no guide

٣١. كَم بَلدَةٍ بِكَ حَلَّ الرَكبُ جانِبَها
وَما يُلِمُّ بِها الرُكبانُ إِلماما

32. When they face a problem, salvaging them
Is reciting your praise fluently and with melody

٣٢. إِذا عَلَوا مَهمَهاً كانَ النَجاءُ لَهُم
إِنشادَ مَدحِكَ إِفصاهاً وَتَرناما

33. If its bird understood speech
It would sing your praises there making its mind busy

٣٣. لَو كانَ يَفقَهُ القَولَ طائِرُها
غَنّى بِمَدحِكَ فيها بومُها الهاما

34. If the Sham armies did not obey you willingly
You would ignite in it the flames of death

٣٤. لَو لَم تُجِبكَ جُنودُ الشامِ طائِعَةً
أَضرَمتَ فيها شِهابَ المَوتِ إِضراما

35. And a battle where the kingdom remained joyous
While the envious died in it by force

٣٥. وَوَقعَةٍ لَكَ ظَلَّ المُلكُ مُبتَهِجاً
فيها وَماتَ لَها الحُسّادُ إِرغاما

36. You returned in it an oppressed right to Islam
Allah made it even between the deceitful and protector

٣٦. رَدَدتَ فيها إِلى الإِسلامِ مظلَمَةً
سَوّى الإِلَهُ بِها فِهراً وَهَمّاما

37. If you were not humans, O Bani Shayban
You would be pillars of heights and flags

٣٧. لَو لَم تَكونوا بَني شَيبانَ مِن بَشَرٍ
كُنتُم رَواسيَ أَطوادٍ وَأَعلاما