
O eye, be generous with flowing tears from you

يا عين جودي بدمع منك مدرار

1. O eye, be generous with flowing tears from you
Do not excuse me from crying, not even when excusing

١. يا عَينُ جودي بِدَمعٍ مِنكِ مِدرارِ
لا تُعذِري في البُكا لا حينَ إِعذارِ

2. Time made me laugh at what had made me cry
And time mixes sweetness with bitterness

٢. أَبكانِيَ الدَهرُ مِمّا كانَ أَضحَكَني
وَالدَهرُ يَخلِطُ إِحلاءً بِإِمرارِ

3. Say peace upon a grave that contains
What it contains of generosity and ease

٣. إِقرا السَلامَ عَلى قَبرٍ تَضَمَّنَهُ
ماذا تَضَمَّنَ مِن جودٍ وَأَيسارِ

4. Of beautiful traits, commanded to avoid sins
Pure in his optional acts of worship

٤. حُلوُ الشَمائِلِ مَأمورُ الغَوائِلِ مَأ
مُولُ النَوافِلِ مَحَضٌ زَندُهُ واري

5. God dressed him in a planted stick
With clothes of praise, clean of disgrace

٥. اللَهُ أَلبَسَهُ في عودٍ مَغرِسِهِ
ثِيابَ حَمدٍ نَقِيّاتٍ مِنَ العارِ

6. Repeller of problems, bearer of burdens
Catcher of strings and defender of lutes

٦. دَفّاعُ مُعضِلَةٍ حَمّالُ مُثقِلَةٍ
دَرّاكُ وِترٍ وَدَفّاعٌ لِأَوتارِ

7. Generosity was his trait, like the full moon was his way
That one could almost find guidance in its flowing light

٧. الجودُ شيمَتُهُ كَالبَدرِ سُنَّتُهُ
يَكادُ أَن يَهتَدي في نورِهِ الساري

8. Fate came with the measure of destiny for him
So he settled at the bottom of a grave among stones

٨. جاءَ القَضاءُ بِمِقدارِ الحِمامِ لَهُ
فَحَلَّ قَعرَ ضَريحٍ بَينَ أَحجارِ

9. An affliction came as if it had thrown
Rather, it had set the heart aflame

٩. مُصيبَةٌ نَزَلَت كَأَنَّها قَذَفَت
لا بَل وَقَد فَعَلَت في القَلبِ بِالنارِ

10. Crying exhausted the eye's tears, so they dripped
With blood for my brother, gushing

١٠. أَفنى البُكاءُ دُموعَ العَينِ فَاِنهَمَلَت
عَلى أَخي بِدِماءٍ فَيضُها جارِ

11. How many speakers grieved after him, and how many
Said: "Woe unto us after Hammad ibn Sayyar"

١١. كَم قائِلاً بَعدَهُ حُزناً وَقائِلَةً
يا ضَيعَنا بَعدَ حَمّادِ بنِ سَيّارِ

12. If the people are silent, he does not speak obscenely
Or if they speak, he is a dignified, unfrivolous speaker

١٢. إِن يُنصِتِ القَومُ لا يَنطِق بِفاحِشَةٍ
أَو يَنطِقوا فَمُصيبٌ غَيرُ مِهذارِ

13. Spring used to be stingy with its rain for them
And it frequented the pastures for the skilled horseman

١٣. كانَ الرَبيعُ إِذا ضَنَّ السَحابُ لَهُم
وَفي اللَوازِبِ مُرتاداً لِمُمتارِ

14. Oh what a loss, O brother of mine, who can I hope
For after you in ease and hardship

١٤. يا حَسرَتا يا أَخي مَن ذا أُؤَمِّلُهُ
لِلدَهرِ بَعدَكَ في عُسري وَإِيساري

15. Or who is there for us if calamities befell us
Or for the need of a relative or neighbor

١٥. أَم مَن لَنا إِن مُلِمّاتٌ بِنا نَزَلَت
أَم مَن لِحاجَةِ ذي القُربى وَلِلجارِ

16. You surprised me with a parting that has no meeting
And I used to cry for you in my remoteness and travels

١٦. فَجَأتَني بِفِراقٍ لا لِقاءَ لهُ
وَكُنتُ أَبكيكَ في نَأيِي وَأَسفاري

17. Now I cry a crying that has no end
With a streaming, pouring eye of tears

١٧. فَالآنَ أَبكي بُكاءً لا اِنقِطاعَ لَهُ
بِدَمعِ عَينٍ غَزيرِ السَيبِ مِدرارِ

18. O brother, a fateful decree came with the cups of demise
The God, Creator and Righteous prayed over you

١٨. أَتى بِتَبلِ المَنايا يا أَخي قَدَرٌ
صَلّى عَلَيكَ الإِلَهُ الخالِقُ الباري

19. You cut me off from a hope I was hoping for
So I became after you stuck between the door and the house

١٩. قَطَعتَني مِن رَجاءٍ كُنتُ آمُلُهُ
فَصِرتُ بَعدَكَ بَينَ البابِ وَالدارِ

20. Whatever happens after you, if they pass, will not make me heedless
If my bones get up for prosperity or decline

٢٠. ما لِلحَوادِثِ لا يُغبِبنَ بَعدَكَ إِن
يَهِضنَ عَظمي بِإِقبالٍ وَإِدبارِ