1. The stars came out like flowers in bloom
Meeting together in harmony of form and grace
١. خَرَجنَ خُروجَ الأَنجُمِ الزُهرِ فَاِلتَقى
عَلَيهُنَّ مِنهُنَّ المَلاحَةُ وَالشَكلُ
2. With a mole like the moon's in a similar face
We found our desires in him, though paying the price
٢. وَخالٍ كَخالِ البَدرِ في وَجهِ مِثلِهِ
لَقينا المُنى فيهِ فَحاجَزَنا البَذلُ
3. With eyes like the sun, taking in no speck of dust
When the youthful breeze stirred its calmness was lost
٣. وَماءٍ كَعَينِ الشَمسِ لا يَقبَلُ القَذى
إِذا دَرَجَت فيهِ الصِبا خِلتَهُ يَعلو
4. Of lips red and moist that when coming together
Reveal their secrets through trails and rainfall
٤. مِنَ الضُحَّكِ الغُرِّ اللَواتي إِذا اِلتَقَت
يُحَدِّثُ عَن أَسرارِها السَبَلُ الهَطلُ
5. We broke through with him to complete union and more
Robing it in dream, though in dream there was ignorance
٥. صَدَعنا بِهِ حَدَّ الشَمولِ وَقَد طَفَت
فَأَلبَسَها حِلماً وَفي حِلمِها جَهلُ