
Your affliction, I am not one who is content with acceptance

بلاءك إني غير مستعب الرضى

1. Your affliction, I am not one who is content with acceptance
Nor am I independent in subsistence from any excuse

١. بَلاءَكَ إِنّي غَيرُ مُستَعِبِ الرِضى
وَلا مُستَقِلِّ القوتِ مِن مُعذِرٍ مُبلِ

2. I pardon you if my manner does not please you
And I indulge you if you incline to an easy side

٢. أَعافُكَ إِن لَم يَصفُ عِندَكَ مَشرَبي
وَأَرعاكَ إِن أَمرَعتَ في جانِبٍ سَهلِ

3. Indeed I am too shy before you in absence to see
Unlike you, one whose conscience is folded in meanness

٣. وَإِنّي لَأَستَحيِيكَ بِالغَيبِ أَن أَرى
خِلافَكَ مَطوَيَّ الضَميرِ عَلى ذَحلِ

4. Your generosity, I did not whisper to you in intimacy
Except you returned me with your abundant bestowal

٤. سَخاءَكَ إِنّي لَم أُناجيكَ في المُنى
فَتُرجِعَني إِلّا بِنائِلِكَ الجَزلِ

5. Praise of you will remain after us when separation
And remoteness and the mediation of travel come between us

٥. سَيَخلُفُنا فيكَ الثَناءُ إِذا رَمى
بِنا غِبُّهُ وَالنَأيُ واسِطَةُ الرَحلِ

6. You forgave my words until when the soul hardened
Against its hopes, you were stingy with giving

٦. وَسامَحتَني بِالقَولِ حَتّى إِذا سَخَت
لَكَ النَفسُ عَن آمالِها ضِقتَ بِالبَذلِ

7. I envied you when you smiled at me despite misfortunes
So you came, neither frowning at any distress or poverty

٧. وَشِمتُكَ إِذ أَبرَقتَ لي عارِضَ المُنى
فَأَقبَلتَ لَم تُبضِض بَرَيٍّ وَلا ضَحلِ

8. And a man attained elevation, then his skills
Became too lofty for me and my like

٨. وَإِنَّ اِمرِءاً نالَ العُلا ثُمَّ أَصبَحَت
صَنائِعُهُ تَفتَرُّ عَنّي وَعَن مِثلي

9. Unlike you, except that the origin of his rod
And your rod are branches of one fragrant root

٩. لَغَيرُكَ إِلّا أَنَّ مَنبَتَ عودِهِ
وَعودِكَ فَرعا نَبعَةٍ طَيِّبا الأَصلِ

10. I recalled Abu Yahya, so the wishes immersed me
In oceans of melody until I gained respite in action

١٠. ذَكَرتُ أَبا يَحيى فَخاضَت بِيَ المُنى
بُحورَ الغِنا حَتّى اِستَرَحتُ إِلى الفِعلِ