1. O joy and you, O sorrow
Why did I not die when separation became hardships
١. أَيا سُرورٌ وَأَنتَ يا حَزَنُ
لِم لَم أَمُت حينَ صارَتِ الظُعُنُ
2. Did my life get prolonged or was my destiny extended
Or is there no yearning for me in the blamers
٢. أَطالَ عُمرِيَ أَم مُدَّ في أَجَلي
أَم لَيسَ في الظاعِنينَ لي شَجَنُ
3. Or did the one I secretly loved not know
Or did the abodes not become desolate after him
٣. أَم لَم يَبِن مَن هَوَيتُ مُرتَحِلاً
أَم لَم تَوَحَّش مِن بَعدِهِ الدِمَنُ
4. If only the water of the Euphrates could tell us
Where did its ships turn with their people
٤. يا لَيتَ ماءَ الفُراتِ يُخبِرُنا
أَينَ تَوَلَّت بِأَهلِها السُفُنُ
5. How good is death when they are separated
And how bad is life after they blamed
٥. ما أَحسَنَ المَوتَ عِندَ فُرقَتِهِم
وَأَقبَحَ العَيشَ بَعدَ ما ظَعَنوا
6. Woe to those in love, how I pity them
They have struggled in their pursuit and become weary
٦. وَيحَ المُحِبّينَ كَيفَ أَرحَمُهُم
لَقَد شَقوا في طِلابِهِم وَعَنوا
7. These doves, if they cry and call
In their crying, art makes them happiest
٧. هَذي الحَماماتُ إِن بَكَت وَدَعَت
أَسعَدَها في بُكائِها الفَنَنُ
8. So who can help me in my youth
If the beloved and neighbor abandon me
٨. فَمَن عَلى صَبوَتي يُساعِدُني
إِذا جَفاني الحَبيبُ وَالسَكَنُ
9. I was patient for love when I was afflicted by it
And the secrets and openness in me died
٩. صَبَرتُ لِلحُبِّ إِذ بُليتُ بِهِ
وَماتَ مِنّي السِرارُ وَالعَلَنُ
10. O creator of the sin against me to wrong me
Your abandonment of me tests me regarding sins
١٠. يا مُبدِعَ الذَنبِ لي لِيَظلِمَني
هَجرُكَ لي في الذُنوبِ مُمتَحِنُ
11. I have no favors for which to thank you
Rather, I thank you, the favors are from you
١١. مالي مِن مِنَّةٍ فَأَشكُرَها
عِندَكَ لا بَل عِندي لَكَ المِنَنُ
12. You were ignorant of my friendship, so you do not recognize it
While you are knowledgeable and perceptive in abandonment
١٢. جَهِلتَ وَصلي فَلَستَ تَعرِفُهُ
وَأَنتَ بِالهَجرِ عالِمٌ فَطِنُ
13. After you, happiness fought me
Just as sorrow reconciled with me when you were lost
١٣. حارَبَني بَعدَكَ السُرورُ كَما
صالَحَني عِندَ فَقدِكَ الحَزَنُ
14. Your glance and heart helped you
Against my soul, and my soul raids against me
١٤. أَعانَكَ الطَرفُ وَالفُؤادُ عَلى
روحي وَرَوحي عَلَىَّ يَعتَوِنُ
15. Of what love clothed me, its clothes
Will be my shroud forever
١٥. مِمّا كَساني الهَوى فَكِسوَتُهُ
لي أَبَداً ما لَبِستُها كَفَنُ
16. Love for the one I passionately loved weakened me
Until separation cured me and cured my weakness
١٦. أَوهَنَني حُبُّ مَن شُغِفتُ بِهِ
حَتّى بَراني وَشَفَّني الوَهنُ
17. The love of a young girl who appeared
Caused tribulations for me, and tribulations in loving her
١٧. عَذَّبَني حُبُّ طَفلَةٍ عَرَضَت
فيها وَفي حُبِّها لِيَ الفِتَنُ
18. When she comes close to the bed, its owner
Finds intimacy and the embrace enjoyable from her
١٨. إِذا دَنَت لِلضَجيعِ لَذَّ لَهُ
مِنها اِعتِناقٌ وَلَذَّ مُحتَضَنُ
19. Like dark eyeliner, she is not lined with kohl
And the teeth, there are no gaps between them
١٩. كَحلاءُ لَم تَكتَحِل بِكاحِلَةٍ
وَسنانَةُ الطَرفِ ما بِها وَسَنُ
20. So in my heart there is a branch for loving her
The branch greens in every moment
٢٠. فَفي فُؤادِيَ لِحُبِّها غُصُنٌ
في كُلِّ حينٍ يُورِقُ الغُصُنُ
21. It was said to her: He is a lovesick brother
Infatuated and tempted by your love
٢١. قيلَ لَها إِنَّهُ أَخو كَلَفٍ
بِحُبِّكُم هائِمٌ وَمُفتَتِنُ
22. So she turned away haughtily saying
A poet can say whatever he wants
٢٢. فَأَعرَضَت لِلصُدودِ قائِلَةً
يَقولُ ما شاءَ شاعِرٌ لَسِنُ
23. No one from the past was entrusted
With our disgrace, so how can he be trusted?
٢٣. ما كانَ في ما مَضى بِمُؤتَمَنٍ
عَلى هَوانا فَكَيفَ يُؤتَمَنُ
24. Two loves are hidden in my heart for her
One apparent and one buried
٢٤. حُبّانِ غَضّانِ في الفُؤادِ لَها
فَمِنهُما ظاهِرٌ وَمُندَفِنٌ
25. The enchantment of your love settled in my liver
For love, it has no other homeland
٢٥. أَوطَنَ يا سِحرُ حُبُّكُم كَبِدي
فَلَيسَ لِلحُبِّ غَيرَها وَطَنُ
26. You heard from one envious of us
Slander when weakness came to you
٢٦. سَمِعتِ فينا مَقالَ ذي حَسَدٍ
لَمّا أَتاكُم بِهِ هَنٌ وَهَنُ
27. If your abandonment pleases you
We have no price for reunion with you
٢٧. إِن كانَ هِجرانُكُم يَطيبُ لَكُم
فَلَيسَ لِلوَصلِ عِندَنا ثَمَنُ
28. I took off the chain mail in love
Thus in love the chain mail is taken off
٢٨. خَلَعتُ في الحُبِّ ماجِناً رَسَنى
كَذاكَ في الحُبِّ يُخلَعُ الرَسَنُ
29. By my father, whoever says "by my father" to me
While my heart is hostage to him
٢٩. وا بِأَبي مَن يَقولُ لي بِأَبي
وَمَن فُؤادي لَدَيهِ مُرتَهَنُ
30. His love seeks me to kill me
And there is no affection between me and it
٣٠. يَطلُبُني حُبُّهُ لِيَقتُلَني
وَلَيسَ بَيني وَبَينَهُ إِحَنُ
31. And how many things passed as tradition
Just as traditions passed in the tribes
٣١. وَكَم مِن أَشياءَ قَد مَضَت سُنَناً
كَما جَرَت في القَبائِلِ السُنَنُ
32. And one who says: You are no lover, even if
You were a lover, you would have become weary long ago
٣٢. وَقائِلٍ لَستَ بِالمُحِبِّ وَلَو
كُنتَ مُحِبّاً هَزَلتَ مُذ زَمَنُ
33. So I said: My soul keeps my love secret
My love and it are stored in it
٣٣. فَقُلتُ رَوحي مُكاتِمٌ جَسَدي
حُبِّيَ وَالحُبُّ فيهِ مُختَزَنُ
34. Passion weakened my intellect and tormented it
So I have no intellect or body
٣٤. شَفَّ الهَوى مُهجَتي وَعَذَّبَها
فَلَيسَ لي مُهجَةٌ وَلا بَدَنُ
35. My heart loved and my body did not know
If my body knew, it would not gain weight
٣٥. أَحَبَّ قَلبي وَما دَرى جَسَدي
وَلَو دَرى لَم يُقِم بِهِ السِمَنُ
36. If the lovers weighed their love
My love would equal their love in weight
٣٦. لَو وَزَنَ العاشِقونَ حُبَّهُمُ
لَكانَ حُبّي بِحُبِّهِم يَزِنُ
37. No fault if I was indulgent in love poetry
For those before me also indulged
٣٧. لا عَيبَ إِن كُنتُ ماجِناً غَزِلاً
فَقَبلِيَ الأَوَّلونَ ما مَجَنوا