
In youth I was dragged by the rope of an infamous one, spun

أجررت حبل خليع في الصبا غزل

1. In youth I was dragged by the rope of an infamous one, spun
And the resolves of the jealous were determined in separation

١. أُجرِرتُ حَبلَ خَليعٍ في الصِبا غَزِلِ
وَشَمَّرَت هِمَمُ العُذّالِ في العَذَلِ

2. Sorrow overflowed for the ambitious eye that loved
Dispersed between bidding farewell and enduring

٢. هاجَ البُكاءُ عَلى العَينِ الطَموحِ هَوَىً
مُفَرَّقٌ بَينَ تَوديعٍ وَمُحتَمَلِ

3. How can there be solace for a heart that has gone mad
Raving for the companion of a heart that is not mad

٣. كَيفَ السُلُوُّ لِقَلبٍ راحَ مُختَبَلاً
يَهذي بِصاحِبِ قَلبٍ غَيرَ مُختَبَلِ

4. Disobeying solace the morning after separation, broken
With tears flowing in the wake of the broken one

٤. عاصى العَزاءَ غَداةَ البَينِ مُنهَمِلٌ
مِنَ الدُموعِ جَرى في إِثرِ مُنهَمِلِ

5. If not for the pretense of the eye's tears, my hidden secrets
Would have been revealed that did not appear nor were perfected

٥. لَولا مُداراةُ دَمعِ العَينِ لَاِنكَشَفَت
مِنّي سَرائِرُ لَم تَظهَر وَلَم تُخَلِ

6. Is the separation not enough that I was struck by its arrows
Until it struck me with the glances of the beautiful eyes

٦. أَما كَفى البَينُ أَن أُرمى بِأَسهُمِهِ
حَتّى رَماني بِلَحظِ الأَعيُنِ النُجُلِ

7. What it reaped for me, even if it was a true dream
Was a fleeting, furtive surrender with reserve

٧. مِمّا جَنى لي وَإِن كانَت مُنىً صَدَقَت
صَبابَةً خُلَسُ التَسليمِ بِالمُقَلِ

8. What would it matter to fate if its chalice was mixed
And the intoxication of youth returned to my head

٨. ماذا عَلى الدَهرِ لَو لانَت عَريكَتُهُ
وَرَدَّ في الرَأسِ مِنّي سَكرَةَ الغَزَلِ

9. The sin of events for me is that they secretly stole
The daughters of my generosity and weariness

٩. جُرمُ الحَوادِثِ عِندي أَنَّها اِختَلَسَت
مِنّي بَناتِ غِذاءِ الكَرمِ وَالكِلَلِ

10. And many a day of pleasures on its death bed
I shortened with the meeting of a friend and separation

١٠. وَرُبَّ يَومٍ مِنَ اللَذّاتِ مُحتَضَرٍ
قَصَّرتُهُ بِلِقاءِ الراحِ وَالخُلَلِ

11. And a night I stole from a year
In which youth uncovered for me the eggs of rhyme

١١. وَلَيلَةٍ خُلِسَت لِلعَينِ مِن سِنَةٍ
هَتَكتُ فيها الصِبا عَن بَيضَةِ الحَجَلِ

12. My days and I today have no great age
Drinking wine and playing the rebeck of leisure

١٢. قَد كانَ دَهري وَما بي اليَومَ مِن كِبَرٍ
شُربَ المُدامِ وَعَزفَ القَينَةِ العُطُلِ

13. If I complain of love to it, it blushes
My complaint making its cheeks red from shyness

١٣. إِذا شَكَوتُ إِلَيها الحُبَّ خَفَّرَها
شَكوايَ فَاِحمَرَّ خَدّاها مِنَ الخَجَلِ

14. How many days under fate's slumbering eye
I severed with youth in play and earnestness

١٤. كَم قَد قَطَعتُ وَعَينُ الدَهرِ راقِدَةٌ
أَيّامَهُ بِالصِبا في اللَهوِ وَالجَذَلِ

15. And a branch of goodness, its friendship inclined to me
I rewarded it with praise in which there is no affectation

١٥. وَطَيِّبِ الفَرعِ أَصفاني مَوَدَّتَهُ
كافَأتُهُ بِمَديحٍ فيهِ مُنتَخَلِ

16. And a land facilitating the mounts of travelers
I made successful with the carrion of the graceful gazelle

١٦. وَبَلدَةٍ لِمَطايا الرَكبِ مُنضِيَةٍ
أَنضَيتُها بِوَجيفِ الأَينُقِ الذُلُلِ

17. Why this stay when this star appears
Deliverance has drawn near and the journey so depart

١٧. فيمَ المُقامُ وَهَذا النَجمُ مُعتَرِضاً
دَنا النَجاءُ وَحانَ السَيرُ فَاِرتَحِلِ

18. O leaning your head, the lion is crouching
Incline the skulls and necks so straighten!

١٨. يا مائِلَ الرَأسِ إِنَّ اللَيثَ مُفتَرِسٌ
ميلَ الجَماجِمِ وَالأَعناقِ فَاِعتَدِلِ

19. Beware of an awesome roaring hero
Whose sword wastes only the brains of heroes

١٩. حَذارٍ مِن أَسَدٍ ضِرغامَةٍ بَطَلٍ
لا يولِغُ السَيفَ إِلّا مُهجَةَ البَطَلِ

20. If not for Yazid the kingdom would have collapsed
Or leaned like a fish or outstretched in height

٢٠. لَولا يَزيدُ لَأَضحى المُلكُ مُطَّرَحاً
أَو مائِلَ السَمكِ أَو مُستَرخيَ الطِوَلِ

21. The Caliph drew a sword from the Bani Matar
Its pillar made upright whoever had a lean

٢١. سَلَّ الخَليفَةُ سَيفاً مِن بَنى مَطَرٍ
أَقامَ قائِمُهُ مَن كانَ ذا مَيَلِ

22. How many attackers in the battle's fray
If not for Yazid's Bani Shayban would not attain

٢٢. كَم صائِلٍ في ذَرا تَمهيدِ مَملَكَةٍ
لَولا يَزيدُ بَني شَيبانَ لَم يَصُلِ

23. The imam's fang that relaxes when
War relaxes its pickaxes is unbent

٢٣. نابُ الإِمامِ الَّذي يَفتَرُّ عَنهُ إِذا
ما اِفتَرَت الحَربُ عَن أَنيابِها العُصُلِ

24. Whoever has a spear waver in his stance
Yazid's spear then is without wavering

٢٤. مَن كانَ يَختِلُ قِرناً عِندَ مَوقِفِهِ
فَإِنَّ قِرنَ يَزيدٍ غَيرُ مُختَتَلِ

25. Yazid sealed the frontiers after they gaped
With the riser of the sword, not by cunning and tricks

٢٥. سَدَّ الثُغورَ يَزيدٌ بَعدَما اِنفَرَجَت
بِقائِمِ السَيفِ لا بِالخَتلِ وَالحِيَلِ

26. How many heroes tasting the bath of death through him
Defending the truth, cannot be reproached for fleeing

٢٦. كَم أَذاقَ حِمامَ المَوتِ مِن بَطَلٍ
حامي الحَقيقَةِ لا يُؤتى مِنَ الوَهَلِ

27. A striking white lion who pounces on whites
Not content for his master the day of rout with loss

٢٧. أَغَرُّ أَبيَضُ يُغشى البَيضَ أَبيَضُ لا
يَرضى لِمَولاهُ يَومَ الرَوعِ بِالفَشَلِ

28. He covers the frenzy as the fire's sparks are in his hand
He throws horsemen and heroes with flames

٢٨. يَغشى الوَغى وَشِهابُ المَوتِ في يَدِهِ
يَرمي الفَوارِسَ وَالأَبطالَ بِالشُعَلِ

29. He relaxes when war intensifies, smiling
When the face of the brave knight changes

٢٩. يَفتَرُّ عِندَ اِفتِرارِ الحَربِ مُبتَسِماً
إِذا تَغَيَّرَ وَجهُ الفارِسِ البَطَلِ

30. Brandishing over a skull the day of clamor
As if he is a fate hastening toward hope

٣٠. موفٍ عَلى مُهجٍ في يَومِ ذي رَهَجٍ
كَأَنَّهُ أَجَلٌ يَسعى إِلى أَمَلِ

31. He attains with gentleness what exhausts men
Like death deliberate, it comes at peace

٣١. يَنالُ بِالرِفقِ ما يَعيا الرِجالُ بِهِ
كَالمَوتِ مُستَعجِلاً يَأتي عَلى مَهَلِ

32. He only conceives war slowly producing
From it one slain and captive without wavering

٣٢. لا يُلقِحُ الحَربَ إِلّا رَيثَ يُنتِجُها
مِن هالِكٍ وَأَسيرِ غَيرِ مُختَتَلِ

33. If his qualities are examined, his traits
Vary between giving, refusing, and excuses

٣٣. إِن شيمَ بارِقُهُ حالَت خَلائِقُهُ
بَينَ العَطِيَّةِ وَالإِمساكِ وَالعِلَلِ

34. He covers deaths with deaths then relieves them
From souls expectant of confusion

٣٤. يَغشى المَنايا المَنايا ثُمَّ يَفرُجُها
عَنِ النُفوسِ مُطِلّاتٍ عَلى الهَبَلِ

35. People only travel toward his chamber
As the house they sacrifice to, the roads' confluence

٣٥. لا يَرحَلُ الناسُ إِلّا نَحوَ حُجرَتِهِ
كَالبَيتِ يُضحي إِلَيهِ مُلتَقى السُبُلِ

36. The deaths of the vile feast on their souls
As guests feast on cheeses and sliced meats

٣٦. يَقري المَنِيَّةَ أَرواحُ الكُماةِ كَما
يَقري الضُيوفَ شُحومَ الكُومِ وَالبُزُلِ

37. He clothes the swords with the blood of betrayers through it
And makes the skulls crowns of the dusty, withered bones

٣٧. يَكسو السُيوفَ دِماءَ الناكِثينَ بِهِ
وَيَجعَلُ الهامَ تيجانَ القَنا الذُبُلِ

38. Mornings and evenings, deaths are on his tongue
Thoroughfares challenging people with fate

٣٨. يَغدو فَتَغدو المَنايا في أَسِنَّتِهِ
شَوارِعاً تَتَحَدّى الناسَ بِالأَجَلِ

39. If a faction rebels beyond obedience
He conjures death for it between whites and blacks

٣٩. إِذا طَغَت فِئَةٌ عَن غِبِّ طاعَتِها
عَبّا لَها المَوتَ بَينَ البيضِ وَالأَسَلِ

40. He has accustomed birds to habits, trusting in them
Thus they follow him in every new abode

٤٠. قَد عَوَّدَ الطَيرَ عاداتٍ وَثِقنَ بِها
فَهُنَّ يَتبَعنَهُ في كُلِّ مُرتَحَلِ

41. You see him secure in double armor
Not feeling safe from time hastily called

٤١. تَراهُ في الأَمنِ في دِرعٍ مُضاعَفَةٍ
لا يَأمَنُ الدَهرَ أَن يُدعى عَلى عَجَلِ

42. Clear-eyed, ambitious, his goal
Is to break the stubborn and capture the killer Puller

٤٢. صافي العِيانِ طَموحُ العَينِ هِمَّتُهُ
فَكُّ العُناةِ وَأَسرُ الفاتِكِ الخَطِلِ

43. Musk does not scent his cheeks and temples
Nor does kohl cleanse his eyes

٤٣. لا يَعبَقُ الطيبُ خَدَّيهِ وَمَفرِقَهُ
وَلا يُمَسِّحُ عَينَيهِ مِنَ الكُحُلِ

44. When he bares his sword, its paths
Are the paths of death in bodies and hills

٤٤. إِذا اِنتَضى سَيفَهُ كانَت مَسالِكُهُ
مَسالِكَ المَوتِ في الأَبدانِ وَالقُلَلِ

45. If his soul's thought is alone, his idea
Hope lives and fear of fright dies

٤٥. وَإِن خَلَت بِحَديثِ النَفسِ فِكرَتُهُ
حَيى الرَجاءُ وَماتَ الخَوفُ مِن وَجَلِ

46. Like a lion, if aroused then death is his comfort
He does not rest for days and dynasties

٤٦. كَاللَيثِ إِن هِجتَهُ فَالمَوتُ راحَتُهُ
لا يَستَريحُ إِلى الأَيّامِ وَالدُوَلِ

47. When events conspired against his ridge
They plotted against a Shayban neighbor's moving

٤٧. إِنَّ الحَوادِثَ لَمّا رُمنَ هَضبَتَهُ
أَزمَعنَ عَن جارِ شَيبانٍ بِمُنتَقَلِ

48. So time envies its former ones its latter ones
As there was none like him in its early eras

٤٨. فَالدَهرُ يَغبِطُ أُولاهُ أَواخِرَهُ
إِذ لَم يَكُن كانَ في أَعصارِهِ الأُوَلِ

49. If the Sharqi is not boastful over anyone
Pride itself speaks of him without affectation

٤٩. إِذا الشَريكِيُّ لَم يَفخَر عَلى أَحَدٍ
تَكَلَّمَ الفَخرُ عَنهُ غَيرَ مُنتَحِلِ

50. Do not deny me, as forbearance is his source
An inheritance in Bani Shayban unceasing

٥٠. لا تُكذِبَنَّ فَإِنَّ الحِلمَ مَعدِنُهُ
وِراثَةٌ في بَني شَيبانَ لَم تَزَلِ

51. They asked the swords so they covered those who fought them
Showing them devoid of refusal or acceptance

٥١. سَلّوا السُيوفَ فَأَغشَوا مَن يُحارِبُهُم
خَبطاً بِها غَيرَ ما نُكلٍ وَلا وُكُلِ

52. The Zaydis a people, in their spears
Is the fear of the fearful and safety of the anxious fearful

٥٢. الزائِدِيّونَ قَومٌ في رِماحِهِمُ
خَوفُ المُخيفِ وَأَمنُ الخائِفِ الوَجِلِ

53. Their elder, astride, the firmaments do not stand
In forbearance and their child in mature guidance

٥٣. كَبيرُهُم لا تَقومُ الراسِياتُ لَهُ
حِلماً وَطِفلُهُمُ في هَدى مُكتَهِلِ

54. Yazid submitted so there is no enmity in religion
When you submit and no void in the kingdom

٥٤. إِسلَم يَزيدُ فَما في الدينِ مِن أَودٍ
إِذا سَلِمتَ وَما في المُلكِ مِن خَلَلِ

55. He affirmed the market of the people of Islam so it straightened
The day of al-Khalij when it stood on frauds

٥٥. أَثبَتَّ سوقَ بَني الإِسلامِ فَاِطَّأَدَت
يَومَ الخَليجِ وَقَد قامَت عَلى زَلَلِ

56. If not for your defense the harm of Rome when it attacked
The Prophet's family would not have felt safe from loss

٥٦. لَولا دِفاعُكَ بَأسَ الرومِ إِذ بَكَرَت
عَن عِترَةِ الدينِ لَم تَأمَن مِنَ الثَكَلِ

57. And Yusuf al-Barmak, you left his camp's morning
With a camp spewing out fates with fervor

٥٧. وَيوسُفُ البَرمَ قَد صَبَّحتَ عَسكَرَهُ
بِعَسكَرٍ يَلفِظُ الأَقدارَ ذي زَجَلِ

58. You respited him the day of crossing the river, his chance
While he was confined in war with respite

٥٨. غافَصتَهُ يَومَ عَبرِ النَهرِ مُهلَتَهُ
وَكانَ مُحتَجَزاً في الحَربِ بِالمُهَلِ

59. And the defector ibn Tariq, you charged against him
With an army facilitating deaths, pouring calamity

٥٩. وَالمارِقَ اِبنَ طَريفٍ قَد دَلَفتَ لَهُ
بِعَسكَرٍ لِلمَنايا مُسبِلٍ هَطِلِ

60. When he saw you glorified in his death
And that driving you back could not be done by tricks

٦٠. لَمّا رَآكَ مُجِدّاً في مَنِيَّتِهِ
وَأَنَّ دَفعَكَ لا يُسطاعُ بِالحِيَلِ

61. He risked the battle so you lightened the encounter for him
Putting forward in it steps without reliance

٦١. شامَ النِزالَ فَأَبرَقتَ اللِقاءَ لَهُ
مُقدِّمَ الخَطوِ فيها غَيرَ مُتَّكِلِ

62. They died while you were resting in their breasts
As your sword was healing from bonds

٦٢. ماتوا وَأَنتَ غَليلٌ في صُدورِهِمُ
وَكانَ سَيفُكَ يُستَشفى مِنَ الغُلَلِ

63. If other than a Sharqi circled round him
Al-Walid would have won the toast of the virtuous of traits

٦٣. لَو أَنَّ غَيرَ شَريكي أَطافَ بِهِ
فازَ الوَليدُ بِقَدحِ الناضِلِ الخَصِلِ

64. You stood by the religion the day of trial so
Its pillars leaning were made upright

٦٤. وَقُمتَ بِالدينِ يَومَ الرَّسِّ فَاِعتَدَلَت
مِنهُ قَوائِمُ قَد أَوفَت عَلى مَيَلِ

65. Their throng was not when you met them
Other than like ostriches scattered in haste

٦٥. ما كانَ جَمعُهُمُ لَمّا لَقيتَهُمُ
إِلّا كَمِثلِ نُعامٍ ريعَ مُنجَفِلِ

66. They repented but if they did not repent their sins
Your army would have come back with prisoners and spoils

٦٦. تابوا وَلَو لَم يَتوبوا مِن ذُنوبِهِمُ
لابَ جَيشُكَ بِالأَسرى وَبِالنَفَلِ

67. How many secure people far from home, defiant
You brought out from the citadels of kingship and fortresses

٦٧. كَم آمِنٍ لَكَ نائِيَ الدارِ مُمتَنِعٍ
أَخرَجتَهُ مِن حُصونِ المُلكِ وَالخَوَلِ

68. On your two days, it refuses you blame if mentioned
Wrath, a sword, honor not degraded

٦٨. يَأبى لَكَ الذَمَّ في يَومَيكَ إِن ذُكِرا
عَضبٌ حُسامٌ وَعِرضٌ غَيرُ مُبتَذَلِ

69. And defecting invaders from their homes
Who do not falter nor deliver from faltering

٦٩. وَمارِقينَ غُزاةٍ مِن بُيوتِهِمُ
لا يَنكُلونَ وَلا يُؤتونَ مِن نَكَلِ

70. You left their bodies as birds encamped
Upon them and drove them confused with the lock

٧٠. خَلَّفتَ أَجسادَهُم وَالطَيرُ عاكِفَةٌ
فيها وَأَقفَلتَهُم هاماً مَعَ القَفَلِ

71. So boast - what in Shayban is your peer?
That is what the Bani Shayban have of peers

٧١. فَاِفخَر فَمالَكَ في شَيبانَ مِن مَثَلٍ
كَذاكَ ما لِبنى شَيبانَ مِن مَثَلِ

72. How many scenes for you whose merits cannot be counted
You apportioned in them like the sustenance of mankind and beasts

٧٢. كَم مَشهَدٍ لَكَ لا تُحصى مَآثِرُهُ
قَسَمتَ فيهِ كَرِزقِ الإِنسِ وَالخَبَلِ

73. By God, in His land Hashim has a mountain
You and your son pillars of that mountain

٧٣. لِلَّهِ مِن هاشِمٍ في أَرضِهِ جَبَلٌ
وَأَنتَ وَاِبنُكَ رُكنا ذَلِكَ الجَبَلِ

74. They magnified you so you are not called for slightness
Except for an ordeal ameliorated with determination

٧٤. قَد أَعظَموكَ فَما تُدعى لِهَيِّنَةٍ
إِلّا لِمُعضِلَةٍ تُستَنُّ بِالعَضَلِ

75. O Lord of an honoring for which aspirants of it despaired
The grandees strived for it but did not attain

٧٥. يا رُبَّ مَكرُمَةٍ أَصبَحتَ واحِدَها
أَعيَت صَناديدَ راموها فَلَم تُنَلِ

76. People busied themselves with the world and its vanity
While you were occupied by that known kindness

٧٦. تَشاغَلَ الناسُ بِالدُنيا وَزُخرُفِها
وَأَنتَ مَن بِذَلِكَ المَعروفَ في شُغُلِ

77. I swear none persisted seeking your bounties from you
Nor did you prevent earnestness by jest

٧٧. أَقسَمتُ ما ذُبَّ عَن جَدواكَ طالِبُها
وَلا دَفَعتَ اِعتِزامَ الجِدِّ بِالهَزَلِ

78. Your tongue refuses to deny a request of your generosity
So it does not waver between generosity and stinginess

٧٨. يَأبى لِسانُكَ مَنعَ الجودِ سائِلُهُ
فَما يُلَجلِجُ بَينَ الجودِ وَالبُخلِ

79. You believed my assumption and the assumptions in it
Your generosity transcended the knots of traveling from my camel

٧٩. صَدَّقتَ ظَنّي وَصَدَّقتَ الظُنونَ بِهِ
وَحَطَّ جودُكَ عَقدَ الرَحلِ عَن جَمَلي