1. Tears and wine cup, how can they agree?
Their paths in the heart are so different.
١. بُكاءٌ وَكَأسٌ كَيفَ يَتَّفِقانِ
سَبيلُهُما في القَلبِ مُختَلِفانِ
2. It called me, this excess of tears, but I
See today in it other than you two see.
٢. دَعاني وَإِفراطَ البُكاءِ فَإِنَّني
أَرى اليَومَ فيهِ غَيرَ ما تَرَيانِ
3. They became, and dust is worthier of them than their guardian,
To an abode sloping to your eye obedient.
٣. غَدَت وَالثَرى أَولى بِها مِن وَلِيِّها
إِلى مَنزِلٍ ناءٍ لِعَينِكِ دانِ
4. So no ecstasy until the eye sheds its water,
And the guts confess the fluttering.
٤. فَلا وَجدَ حَتّى تَنزُفَ العَينُ ماءَها
وَتَعتَرِفَ الأَحشاءُ بِالخَفَقانِ
5. And how to ward off despair and ecstasy after them
While their two arrows in the heart twist and turn?
٥. وَكَيفَ بِدَفعِ اليَأسِ وَالوَجدِ بَعدَها
وَسَهماهُما في القَلبِ يَعتَلِجانِ