1. You called upon the Commander of the Faithful, but he was not there.
Yet whoever fears, endures with fortitude.
١. دَعَوتَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَلَم تَكُن
هُناكَ وَلَكِن مَن يَخَف يَتَجَشَّمِ
2. When you call upon the Caliph as a supporter,
You are like one climbing to heaven on a ladder.
٢. وَإِنَّكَ إِذ تَدعو الخَليفَةَ ناصِراً
لَكَالمُتَرَقّي في السَماءِ بِسُلَّمِ
3. Thus you call upon an echo from where you cannot see.
If you imagine it, you will die in your delusions.
٣. كَذاكَ الصَدى تَدعوهُ مِن حَيثُ لا تَرى
وَإِن تَتَوَهَّمهُ تَمُت في التَوَهُّمِ
4. You insulted Quraysh deliberately and attributed me to folly.
Restrain yourself; what you say will become clear and known.
٤. هَجَوتَ قُرَيشاً عامِداً وَنَحَلتَني
رُوَيدَك يَظهَر ما تَقولُ فَيُعلَمِ
5. If one like me is in my tribe,
He is superior to the son of Lu'ayy, above reproach.
٥. إِذا كانَ مِثلي في قَبيلي فَإِنَّهُ
عَلى اِبنِ لُؤَيٍّ قَصرَةً غَيرُ مُتهَمِ
6. The testimony will uncover you from what you attributed to me.
So delay knowing, or go forward.
٦. سَيَكشِفُكَ التَعديلُ عَما قَذَفتَني
بِهِ فَتَأَخَّرَ عارِفاً أَو تَقَدَّمِ
7. Indeed Quraysh does not neglect its affection,
Nor can its covenant be changed with commiseration.
٧. فَإِنَّ قُرَيشاً لايُغادَرُ وِدُّها
وَلا يُستَحالُ عَهدُها بِالتَرَحُّمِ
8. An ancestry from them has passed and prayed in our footsteps.
We have an ancestry in the early forefathers.
٨. مَضى سَلَفٌ مِنهُم وَصَلّى بِعَقبِهِم
لَنا سَلَفٌ في الأَوَّلِ المُتَقَدِّمِ
9. They pulled so we pulled, preceding with their lead,
As a palm follows the palms at its base.
٩. جَروا فَجَرَينا سابِقينَ بِسَبقِهِم
كَما اِتَّبَعَت كَفٌّ نَواشِرَ مِعصَمِ
10. Indeed, he who tries to cut between us,
Is like one seeking refuge in the den of a hyena.
١٠. وَإِنَّ الَّذي يَسعى لِيَقطَعَ بَينَنا
كَمُلتَمِسِ اليَربوعِ في جُحرِ أَرقَمِ
11. The beating of pots misguided you from their path,
So you became lost in their blindness, in confusion.
١١. أَضَلَّكَ قَرعُ الآبِداتِ طَريقَها
فَأَصبَحتَ مِن عَميائِها في تَهَيُّمِ
12. When you followed them in fleeing, they betrayed you.
Tamim tried the heights in clambering.
١٢. وَخانَتكَ عِندَ الجَري لَمّا اِتَّبَعتَها
تَميمٌ فَحاوَلتَ العُلى بِالتَقَحُّمِ
13. So you have become throwing my arrows at me and guarding
against my hands with my hands. You ignited your fire, so kindle it!
١٣. فَأَصبَحتَ تَرميني بِسَهمي وَتَتَّقي
يَدي بِيَدي أَصلَيتَ نارَكَ فَاِضرِمِ