
Do not be satisfied while your ambitions remain boundless,

لا تقنعن ومطلب لك واسع

1. Do not be satisfied while your ambitions remain boundless,
For when demands seem too narrow, be content.

١. لا تَقنَعَنَّ وَمَطلَبٌ لَكَ واسِعٌ
فَإِذا تَضايَقَت المَطالِبُ فَاِقنَعِ

2. When you are greedy, feign contentment,
Lest your greed lead you astray.

٢. وَإِذا حَرَصتَ فَأَلقِ سَترَ قَناعَةٍ
مِن دونِ حِرصِكَ لا تَلَجَّ فَتَطبَعِ

3. It is manly when one of ambition is content
And strives for it; once successful, he does not waver.

٣. وَمِنَ المُروءَةِ قانِعٌ ذو هِمَّةٍ
يَسعى لَها فَإِذا نَبَت لَم يَقلَعِ

4. I was not lazy, but ambitious
Refusing disgrace, yearning for open spaces.

٤. ما كُنتُ إِمَّعَةً وَلَكِن هِمَّةٌ
تَأبى الهَوانَ وَفُسحَةٌ في المَنجَعِ