1. O you who are baptized
Hardships have healed you
١. يا أَيُّها المَعمودُ
قَد شَفَّكَ الصُدودُ
2. So you are determined
Prostration has opposed you
٢. فَأَنتَ مُستَهامٌ
خالَفَكَ السُهودُ
3. You stay up nightly indeed
Exertion has bid you farewell
٣. تَبيتُ ساهِراً قَد
وَدَّعَكَ الهُجودُ
4. And in the heart is a fire
That has no extinguishing
٤. وَفي الفُؤادِ نارٌ
لَيسَ لَها خُمودُ
5. Fires resembling it
With passion as its fuel
٥. تَشُبُّها نيرانٌ
مِنَ الهَوى وُقودُ
6. Whenever I say one day
It has been extinguished, it grows
٦. إِذا أَقولُ يَوماً
قَد أُطفِئَت تَزيدُ
7. O you who blame me, stop
For I am baptized
٧. يا عاذِلَيَّ كُفّا
فَإِنَّني مَعمودُ
8. You have refuted me so much
If refuting avails
٨. أَكثَرتُما تَفنيدي
لَو يَنفَعُ التَفنيدُ
9. My heart has been pierced
By a sneering, snickering flirt
٩. قَد أَقصَدَت فُؤادي
خُمصانَةٌ خَريدُ
10. A giggling, playful coquette
With a dress of scattered patches
١٠. بَهَنانَةٌ لَعوبٌ
غَرثى الوِشاحِ رُودُ
11. Her abandonment is near
And her union is remote
١١. هِجرانُها قَريبٌ
وَوَصلُها بَعيدُ
12. Her talk is flirtatious
Leading youth to debauchery
١٢. كَلامُها خَلوبٌ
إِلى الصِبا يَقودُ
13. And her glance is sick
And her wink is piercing
١٣. وَطَرفُها مَريضٌ
وَلَحظُها صَيودُ
14. And it is to itself when
It wrongs, benefiting
١٤. وَهوَ لِنَفسِهِ إِذ
يَظلِمُ مُستَفيدُ
15. It kills whom it wants
Whether affinity or loathing
١٥. وَسنى وَلا كَوَسنى
تُميتُ مَن تُريدُ
16. Like the full moon after ten days
Prosperity drew near it
١٦. كَالبَدرِ بَعدَ عَشرٍ
قارَنَهُ السُعودُ
17. And her mouth is dispersed
And her saliva is cool
١٧. وَثَغرُها شَتيتُ
وَريقُها بَرودُ
18. As if there is musk in it
Mixed with cloves
١٨. كَأَنَّ فيهِ مِسكاً
خالَطَهُ قِنديدُ
19. And her form is supple
Refined, well-measured
١٩. وَقَدُّها مَمشوقٌ
مُنَعَّمٌ مَقدودُ
20. And her breast is delicate
Fluttering, tender
٢٠. وَكَشحُها لَطيفٌ
مُهَفهَفٌ خَضيدُ
21. As if it is a rod
Bending in its twigs
٢١. كَأَنَّهُ قَضيبٌ
في غَرسِهِ يَميدُ
22. And her hips are heavy
Swaying at her waist
٢٢. وَرِدفُها ثَقيلٌ
بِخَصرِها يَميدُ
23. As if it is a sand dune
Sculpted by hail
٢٣. كَأَنَّهُ كَثيبٌ
لَبَّدَهُ الجَليدُ
24. She has of gazelles
A necklace and beauty
٢٤. لَها مِنَ الظِباءِ
مُقَلَّدٌ وَجيدُ
25. As if it is a gazelle
In an outstanding homeland
٢٥. كَأَنَّهُ غَزالٌ
بِبَلدَةٍ فَريدُ
26. Or a beautiful idol
Worshipped in its monastery
٢٦. أَو صَنَمٌ بَهِيٌّ
في دَيرِهِ مَعبودُ
27. I envy it frequently
And its like is envied
٢٧. أَحسُدُهُ مِراراً
وَمِثلُهُ مَحسودُ
28. Her passion has denied
Does denial avail?
٢٨. قَد جَحَدَت هَواها
هَل يَنفَعُ الجُحودُ
29. Who blames her passion
His advice is refused
٢٩. مَن لامَ في هَواها
فَنُصحُهُ مَردودُ
30. O enchanting beloved, unite me
For I am a pillar
٣٠. يا سِحرُ واصِليني
فَإِنَّني عَميدُ
31. When I meet
Your love's exhaustion
٣١. إِنّي لِما أُلاقي
مِن حُبِّكُم مَجهودُ
32. My generosity is for a determined one
Tormented by suppression
٣٢. جودي لِمُستَهامٍ
عَذَّبَهُ التَسهيدُ
33. Who stays up from your love
While you are asleep
٣٣. يَسهَرُ مِن هَواكُم
وَأَنتُمُ رُقودُ
34. Until when, my wishes
Are the promises fulfilled?
٣٤. حَتّى مَتّى مُنايَ
لا يُنجَزُ المَوعودُ
35. Passion in my heart
Shows as it repeats
٣٥. صارَ الهَوى بِقلبي
يُبدي كَما يُعيدُ
36. And I live, the chased one
And I live, the exiled one
٣٦. وَيحي أَنا الطَريدُ
وَيحي أَنا الشَريدُ
37. And I live, the purposed one
And I live, the unique one
٣٧. وَيحي أَنا المُعَنّى
وَيحي أَنا الفَريدُ
38. And I live, the wished one
And I live, the lone one
٣٨. وَيحي أَنا المُمَنّى
وَيحي أَنا الوَحيدُ
39. And I live, the worn one
And I live, the missed one
٣٩. وَيحي أَنا المُبَلّى
وَيحي أَنا الفَقيدُ
40. Your love has destroyed me
And love does not vanish
٤٠. أَبادَني هَواكُم
وَالحُبُّ لا يَبيدُ
41. And love, O my wishes
Is easiest, most severe
٤١. وَالحُبُّ يا مُنايَ
أَهوَنَهُ شَديدُ
42. And love is my companion
And love is my sitter
٤٢. وَالحُبُّ لي نَديمٌ
وَالحُبُّ لي قَعيدُ
43. And love is my joy
And love is my habit
٤٣. وَالحُبُّ لي طَريفٌ
وَالحُبُّ لي تَليدُ
44. And love, when I
Renew it, is new
٤٤. وَالحُبُّ لي إِذا ما
أَخلَقتُهُ جَديدُ
45. I witness that my heart
Is frozen to passion
٤٥. أَشهَدُ أَنَّ قَلبي
عَلى الهَوى جَليدُ
46. Bearing all this
And its load is heavy
٤٦. يَحمِلُ كُلَّ هَذا
وَحَملُهُ كَؤودُ
47. If it was of granite
The granite would crumble
٤٧. لَو كانَ مِن جُلمودٍ
تَفَتَّتَ الجُلمودُ
48. And of masterful, sound men
Among them no discordant one
٤٨. وَسادَةٍ سُراةٍ
ما فيهِمُ مَسودُ
49. All are frozen
Among them no fiery one
٤٩. كُلُّهُم جَليدٌ
ما فيهِمُ حَريدُ
50. Ignorance from them is evident
So their view is correct
٥٠. بانَ السِفاهُ عَنهُم
فَرَأيُهُم سَديدُ
51. They are quenched by the limpidity of rest
Its deliciousness present
٥١. يُسقَونَ صَفوَ راحٍ
لَذيذُها مَوجودُ
52. It existed in Noah's time
And they are its soldiers
٥٢. كانَت بِعَهدِ نوحٍ
وَهُم لَها جُنودُ
53. Until when they perished
It was inherited by Thamud
٥٣. حَتّى إِذا أُبيدوا
أَورَثَها ثَمودُ
54. A Shamiyya, Shamoul
Its devil an outcast
٥٤. شَمسِيَّةٌ شَمولٌ
شَيطانُها مَريدُ
55. From the work of Christians
Not nourished by Jews
٥٥. مِن عَمَلِ النَصارى
لَم تَغذُها اليَهودُ
56. And we have a gazelle
Who hunts with its glances
٥٦. وَعِندِنا غَزالٌ
بِطَرفِهِ يَصيدُ
57. Charming, delicate
Adorned with it are necks
٥٧. مُبَتَّلٌّ غَريرٌ
تُزهى بِهِ العُقودُ
58. Until it is as if
From its charm, exhausted
٥٨. حَتّى كَأَنَّهُ مِن
غُرَّتِهِ بَليدُ
59. So it never ceased watering us
And our life is comfortable
٥٩. فَلَم يَزَل يَسقينا
وَعَيشُنا رَغيدُ
60. An intoxicant for which
On our cheeks is reddening
٦٠. مُدامَةٌ لَها في
خُدودِنا تَوريدُ
61. As if its drinkers
In their market have shackles
٦١. كَأَنَّ شارِبيها
في سوقِهِم قُيودُ
62. Until eyes became sleepy
And cheeks turned red
٦٢. حَتّى اِنثَنَت عُيونٌ
وَاِحمَرَّت الخُدودُ
63. In a splendid session
Graced by witnesses
٦٣. في مَجلِسٍ نَضيرٍ
يَزينُهُ الشُهودُ
64. Flirts, generous hosts
White of face, prey
٦٤. غَطارِفٌ كِرامٌ
بيضُ الوُجوهِ صيدُ
65. Above them birds
Whose chirping is singing
٦٥. مِن فَوقِهِم أَطيارٌ
صِياحُها تَغريدُ
66. And below them gardens
Whose plants are tender
٦٦. وَتَحتَهُم جِنانٌ
نَباتُها نَضيدُ
67. Their cups brimmed
Overflowing, still
٦٧. أَكواسُهُم مِلاءُ
طافِحَةٌ رُكودُ
68. Adorned with fresh pearls
Their adornment, imitation
٦٨. قَد قُلِّدَت بِآسٍ
فَزانَها التَقليدُ
69. Like daughters of water
Startled by thunder
٦٩. مِثلُ بَناتِ ماءٍ
أَفزَعَها الرُعودُ
70. Once bowing
Once prostrating
٧٠. فَمَرَّةً رُكوعٌ
وَمَرَّةً سُجودُ
71. And with them are tambourines
And lutes and ouds
٧١. وَعِندَهُم دِفافٌ
وَزامِرٌ وَعودُ
72. They dove in an ocean of wit
With extended favors
٧٢. خاضوا بِبَحرِ قَصفٍ
تَجري لَهُ مُدودُ
73. Until they reclined and rose
Their gathering praiseworthy
٧٣. حَتّى اِنتَشَوا وَقاموا
مَجلِسُهُم مَحمودُ
74. Who says the likes of this
Then he is fortunate
٧٤. مَن قالَ مِثلَ هَذا
فَإِنَّهُ سَعيدُ
75. This immortality, to me
If immortality persisted for me
٧٥. هَذا الخُلودُ عِندي
لَو دامَ لِيَ الخُلودُ