
O night when I attained joy and delirium

يا ليلة نلت فيها اللهو والوطرا

1. O night when I attained joy and delirium
Come back to us, else banish all memory

١. يا لَيلَةً نِلتُ فيها اللَهوَ وَالوَطَرا
كُرّي عَلَينا وَإِلّا فَاِطرُدي الذِكَرا

2. When we met, we quarreled while reproaching
With talk, and with the excuses of blame

٢. لَمّا اِلتَقَينا اِفتَرَعنا في تَعاتُبِنا
مِنَ الحَديثِ وَمِن لَذّاتِهِ العُذَرا

3. When we took cover under the veil of night
Lest the pillar of dawn sees us burst open

٣. إِذا اِستَتَرنا بِسِترِ اللَيلِ بادَرَنا
كَيما يَرانا عَمودُ الصُبحِ فَاِنفَجَرا

4. She said, did you admit to the crime? I said yes
If my crime with admission were forgivable

٤. قالَت أَأَقرَرتَ بِالإِجرامِ قُلتُ نَعَم
لَو كانَ جُرمي عَلى الإِقرارِ مُغتَفَرا

5. I will claim the guilt of another so he believes me
One from whom I have no hope of pardon, if able

٥. سَأَدَّعي ذَنبَ غَيري كَي يُصَدِّقَني
مَن لا أُرَجّي لَدَيهِ العَفوَ إِن قَدَرا

6. His pride made him shun me for so long
Had he known the pain of estrangement, he'd not have shunned

٦. قَد أَولَعَتهُ بِطولِ الهَجرِ غِرَّتُهُ
لَو كانَ يَعلَمُ طولَ الهَجرِ ما هَجَرا

7. My eye hasn't closed since I fell for you
Except when your eye secretly peeks

٧. ما تُغمِضُ العَينُ مُذ غُلِّقتُ حُبَّكُمُ
إِلّا إِذا خالَسَها عَينُكَ النَظَرا

8. You kept me up, may God grant your eyes sleep
We care not who slumbers if one stays awake

٨. أَسهَرتُموني أَنامَ اللَهُ أَعيُنَكُم
لَسنا نُبالي إِذا ما نِمتِ مَن سَهِرا

9. She laughed then said "Don't be so timid
And hide your words, let no man know of them

٩. فَاِستَضحَكَت ثُمَّ قالَت لا تَكُن نَزِقاً
وَاِكتُم حَديثِكَ لا تُعلِم بِهِ بَشَرا

10. For I've forgiven you the sin they claimed
God damn whoever after this betrays"

١٠. فَقَد غَفَرتُ لَكَ الذَنبَ الَّذي زَعَموا
لا بارَكَ اللَهُ فيمَن بَعدَ ذا غَدَرا

11. The night was too short for our souls' needs
Just as the night of union may be brief

١١. وَقَصَّرَ اللَيلُ عَن حاجاتِ أَنفُسِنا
كَذاكَ لَيلُ التَلاقي رُبَّما قَصُرا

12. She got up, walking bashfully towards her dome
And I got up walking stealthily, hidden

١٢. قامَت تَمَشّى الهُوَينا نَحوَ قُبَّتِها
وَقُمتُ أَمشي خَفِيَّ الشَخصِ مُستَتِرا

13. When the moon rose she shied, so I said to her
"Be somewhat shy, for love has appeared"

١٣. لَمّا بَدا القَمَرُ اِستَحيَت فَقُلتُ لَها
بَعضَ الحَياءِ فَإِنَّ الحُبَّ قَد ظَهَرا

14. She dropped her veil over her face
And contested me with a cup of separation

١٤. أَلقَت عَلى وَجهِها هُدّابَ خامَتِها
وَنازَعَتني بِكَأسِ الوَحشَةِ الخَفَرا

15. She hides her face from the moon though she swore
Her face in its water sees the moon

١٥. تُكاتِمُ القَمَرَ الوَجهَ الَّذي ضَمِنَت
وَالوَجهُ مِنّها تَرى في مائِهِ القَمَرا

16. Then we parted, secreting in our hearts
Trust, fidelity, peril beyond souls

١٦. ثُمَّ اِفتَرَقنا فَضَمَّنّا سَرائِرَنا
دونَ القُلوبِ وَفاءَ العَهدِ وَالخَطَرا

17. We didn't feel safe from night till our parting
As though night trails us, tracking our steps

١٧. لَم نَأمَن اللَيلَ حَتّى حينَ فُرقَتِنا
كَأَنَّما اللَيلُ يَقفو خَلفَنا الأَثَرا

18. They said "you're notorious," I said "love's companion
Is one who remains notorious amongst people"

١٨. قالوا اِشتَهَرتَ فَقُلتُ الحُبُّ صاحِبُهُ
مَن لا يَزالُ بِهِ في الناسِ مُشتَهِرا

19. And many a day of delirium, rough and disorderly
I've stripped for its pleasures all excuse

١٩. وَرُبَّ يَومٍ بِيَومِ اللَهوِ مُتَعَجِرٍ
خَلَعتُ فيهِ إِلى لَذّاتِهِ العُذُرا

20. And a cup of respite that kills care for its drinker
I tasted it, as night's cloak unfurled

٢٠. وَكَأسِ راحٍ يُميتُ الهَمَّ شارِبُها
باكَرتُها وَرِداءُ اللَيلِ قَد حَسَرا

21. The wine poured pearls and seeds into it, so it shook
As if its rim held pearls and beads

٢١. صَبَّ المِزاجُ عَلَيها الحَلى فَاِضطَرَبَت
كَأَنَّ في حافَتَيها الدُرَّ وَالشِذَرا