1. Though asking shames me, my nature is generous,
I disdain only stinginess, not my honor.
١. وَإِنّي لَأَستَحِيَ السُؤالَ وَمَذهَبي
عَريضٌ وَآبى الشُحَّ إِلّا عَلى عِرضي
2. One such as I would not trouble you hoping,
Except that an exemplar's ways have shamed me.
٢. وَما كانَ مِثلي يَعتَريكَ رَجاؤُهُ
وَلَكِن أَساءَت شيمَةٌ مِن فَتىً مَحضِ
3. For I and my pursuit of you are like
One who churns water seeking foam.
٣. وَإِنّي وَإِشرافي عَلَيكَ بِهِمَّتي
لَكَالمُبتَغي زُبداً مِنَ الماءِ بِالمَخضِ