
My beloved cut off the cord of companionship,

قطعت قتول قرينة الحبل

1. My beloved cut off the cord of companionship,
And came with a heart full of madness.

١. قَطَعَت قَتولُ قَرينَةَ الحَبلِ
وَنَأَت بِقَلبِ مُتَيَّمِ العَقلِ

2. Her gaze preceded the return of the twilight,
And struck the cheek of a weaning child.

٢. سَبَقَت رُجوعَ السَجفِ نَظرَتُهُ
فَأَصابَ غِرَّةَ شادِنٍ طِفلِ

3. If not for her pretense, we would have
Given her streams of laughter and generosity.

٣. لَولا تَخَفُّرُها لَأَطعَمَنا
فيها مَعارِضُ ضَحكَةِ البَذلِ

4. She raised her left shoulder, bare
Of any cloak, unlike gentle damsels.

٤. رَفَعَت بِمَنكِبِها الشَمالُ ذُيو
لَ الخِدرِ دونَ نَواعِمٍ نُجلِ

5. Then heavily built flirts swaggered,
With ample rumps concealed in their robes.

٥. فَاِرتَعنَ مُبتَدِراتٍ مُثقَلَةَ ال
أَردافِ فَعمَةَ مَكمَنِ الحِجلِ

6. They rose with the jingling of their anklets,
Like the jingling of a vigorous young camel.

٦. أَنهَضنَها مَثنى خَلاخِلِها
مَثنى غَدائِرِ فاحِمٍ جَثلِ

7. They screened themselves with their palms, after
The arrows of the skillful archer had pierced.

٧. فَسَتَرنَها بِأَكُفِهِنَّ وَقَد
نَفَذَت مَرامِيَ صائِبِ النَبلِ

8. The youth pursued his desire and fulfilled his quest,
Though the path led to the realm of murder.

٨. تَبِعَ الصِبا وَقَضى بِنَظرَتِهِ
وَطَراً وَساوَرَ خُطَّةَ القَتلِ

9. A man who counts the night as his comfort,
While worries dog him with her memory.

٩. وَفَتىً يَعُدُّ اللَيلَ رَوحَتَهُ
سَبعُ الهُمومِ لِذِكرِها مُشلِ

10. I tasked him beyond his capacity,
A peril that try the temper of a stalwart man.

١٠. كَلَّفتُهُ ما فَوقَ طاقَتِهِ
دُلَجاً تَنالُ حَفيظَةَ الفَسلِ

11. So he accomplished his pledge,
While the night lingered on one foot.

١١. فَتَنَجَّزَ الهِمّاتِ مَوعِدَها
وَاللَيلُ مُعتَكِفٌ عَلى رِجلِ

12. He took to the road as slumber overcame him,
As if he were a traveler riding his mount.

١٢. أَخَذَ السُرى وَكَبا النُعاسُ بِهِ
فَكَأَنَّهُ رَحلٌ عَلى الرَحلِ

13. With a cooking pot I prepared,
Its sides and surface boiling,

١٣. وَهَجيرَةٍ أَدرَجتُ مَوقِدَها
وَبُطونُها وَظُهورُها تَغلي

14. With the moan of a moaning woman,
Led by the guide of the highborn and the camel stallion.

١٤. بِنَجاءِ ناجِيَةٍ يَسورُ بِها
هادي النَجيبِ وَهامَةُ الفَحلِ

15. She escaped to a barren valley on hasty feet,
Hurried by the youth and the prodding of the driver.

١٥. تَنجو بِجَنَّةِ أَولَقٍ وَخُطىً
عَجَلَ الصِبا وَدِلالَةَ الهِقلِ

16. The morning came upon her and did not pause
Before ravishing her completely.

١٦. راحَت فَما عَرَضَ الصَباحُ لَها
إِلّا وَقَد هَتَكَتهُ مِن قُبلِ