
By my father and mother, you are the most generous hand

بأبي وأمي أنت ما أندى يدا

1. By my father and mother, you are the most generous hand
And the most faithful to covenants, and the most righteous

١. بِأَبي وَأُمّي أَنتَ ما أَندى يَداً
وَأَبَرَّ ميثاقاً وَما أَزكاكا

2. By God, if they had not made a pact with you
The whole of humankind would wish for no other but you

٢. وَاللَهِ لَو لَم يَعقِدوا لَكَ عَهدَها
أَعيا البَرِيَّةَ أَن تُصيبَ سِواكا

3. Your enemy walks in fear, so when he sees
That you are able to punish, he hopes for your pardon

٣. يَغدو عَدُوُّكَ خائِفاً فَإِذا رَأى
أَن قَد قَدِرتَ عَلى العِقابِ رَجاكا