
How many people have we seen perish,

كم رأينا من أناس هلكوا

1. How many people have we seen perish,
Then their loved ones wept, and then wept again.

١. كَم رَأَينا مِن أُناسٍ هَلَكوا
فَبَكى أَحبابُهُم ثُمَّ بُكوا

2. They left this world for those after them,
If only they had given what they left behind.

٢. تَرَكوا الدُنِّيا لِمَن بَعدَهُم
وَدَّهُم لَو قَدَّموا ما تَرَكوا

3. How many kings have we seen led in shackles,
And we have seen those in shackles become kings.

٣. كَم رَأَينا مِن مُلوكٍ سوقَةً
وَرَأَينا سوقَةً قَد مَلَكوا

4. Time turned its wheel upon them,
And they cycled where the stars cycle.

٤. قَلَبَ الدَهرُ عَلَيهِم وَرِكاً
فَاِستَداروا حَيثُ دارَ الفَلَكُ