
I was perplexed and could not quench my thirst with tears,

ذهلت فلم أنقع غليلا بعبرة

1. I was perplexed and could not quench my thirst with tears,
And thought it unworthy to announce your death as a mourner.

١. ذَهِلتُ فَلَم أَنقَع غَليلاً بِعَبرَةٍ
وَأَكبَرتُ أَن أَلقى بِيَومِكَ ناعِيا

2. But when it was clear that sorrow would not diminish,
And that only tears could soothe the sadness,

٢. فَلَمّا بَدا لي أَنَّهُ لاعِجُ الأَسى
وَأَن لَيسَ إِلّا الدَمعُ لِلحُزنِ شافِيا

3. I set up dirges for you, echoing between them
Elegies mourning the dew and highlands.

٣. أَقَمتُ لَكَ الأَنواحَ تَرتَدُّ بَينَها
مَآتِمُ يَندُبنَ النَدى وَالمَعالِيا

4. It was not excellence that hindered me, nor arrogance,
But excellence that acted as my preventer.

٤. وَما كانَ مَنعى الفَضلِ مَنعى وَحادَةٍ
وَلَكِنَّ مَنعى الفَضلِ كانَ مَناعِيا

5. Was it for valor, generosity, or for one who withstands
Kings, climbing over lofty mountains?

٥. أَلِلبَأسِ أَم لِلجودِ أَم لِمُقاوِمٍ
مِنَ المُلكِ يَزحَمنَ الجِبالَ الرَواسِيا

6. After you, the days have passed - no, rather they have changed,
And become like feasts, only to return mourning.

٦. عَفَت بَعدَكَ الأَيّامُ لا بَل تَبَدَّلَت
وَكُنَّ كَأَعيادٍ فَعُدنَ مَباكِيا

7. I saw none smiling except before your day,
And I saw none crying except after your day.

٧. فَلَم أَرَ إِلّا قَبلَ يَومِكَ ضاحِكاً
وَلَم أَرى إِلّا بَعدَ يَومِكَ باكِيا