
I weep for you on days when grief took hold,

أبكيك للأيام حين تجهمت

1. I weep for you on days when grief took hold,
My quest when there was no refuge behind you.

١. أَبكيكَ لِلأَيّامِ حينَ تَجَهَّمَت
طَلَبي وَلَم يَكُ لي وَراءَكَ مُنجَعُ

2. You were a cause for me, a pouring rain,
A hand with which I could smite a foe or do good.

٢. قَد كُنتَ لي سَبَباً وَغَيثاً صائِباً
وَيَداً أَضُرُّ بِها العَدوَّ وَأَنفَعُ

3. So ascend to the upper chambers on the day they fall
Upon every side the death of the envious.

٣. فَاِصعَد إِلى الغُرُفاتِ يَومُكَ واقِعٌ
بِالشامِتينَ لِكُلِّ جَنبٍ مَصرَعُ

4. Can I forget you - how could a man forget
One whose kindness gave life its savour?

٤. هَل أَنسَينَكَ وَكَيفَ يَنساكَ اِمرُؤٌ
بِنَوالِ جودِكَ في الحَياةِ يُمَتَّعُ

5. So if I have rewarded your favours poorly,
Who else is there to grieve if I should grieve?

٥. فَلَئِن سَلَوتُكَ ما جَزَيتُكَ نِعمَةً
وَلَئِن جَزِعتُ لَواجِدٌ مَن يَجزَعُ