
The dream of Ibn Qanbar's son when his ignorance was brief

حلم ابن قنبر حين أقصر جهله

1. The dream of Ibn Qanbar's son when his ignorance was brief
Did a poet ever dream of another poet?

١. حَلُمَ اِبنُ قَنبَرَ حينَ أَقصَرَ جَهلُهُ
هَل كانَ يَحلُمُ شاعِرٌ عَن شاعِرِ

2. You are not the wise man you were named
Your dream belied you, a delusion from the Almighty

٢. ما أَنتَ بِالحَكَمِ الَّذي سُمِّيتَهُ
غالَتكَ حِلمَكَ هَفوَةٌ مِن قاهِرِ

3. Were it not for your apology, a harmer would have attacked you
The mirage disappears before the onlooker's eyes

٣. لَولا اِعتِذارُكَ لَاِرتَمى بِكَ زاخِرٌ
مَرِجُ العُبابِ يَفوتُ طَرفَ الناظِرِ

4. Do not let your tongue chew my flesh after this
I fear the butcher's blade for you

٤. لا تُرتِعَن لَحمي لِسانَكَ بعدَها
إِنّي أَخافُ عَلَيكَ شَفرَةَ جازِرِ

5. Make the most of the pardon you have been given
Do not feel safe from the punishment of the Able One

٥. وَاِستَغنِم العَفوَ الَّذي أوتيتَهُ
لا تَأمَنَنَّ عُقوبَةً مِن قادِرِ