
Bring me some coffee, my imprisonment craves it

هات اسقني طال بي الحبس

1. Bring me some coffee, my imprisonment craves it
From a seller whose coffeepot is impeccably clean

١. هاتِ اِسقِني طالَ بِيَ الحَبسُ
مِن قَهوَةٍ بائِعُها وَكسُ

2. The patroness of this house is most pure
The deacon and priest hold her coffee dear

٢. زِقِيَّةُ الدارِ رُصافِيَّةٌ
أَغلى بِها الشَمّاسُ وَالقَسُّ

3. Her coffee in the cup is like a ruby
And when it is mixed and settled

٣. كَأَنَّها في الكَأسِ ياقوتَةٌ
وَهيَ إِذا ما مُزِجَت وَرسُ

4. Its aroma fills a gathering place
More appealing than a doe's eye or a docile cow

٤. في مَجلِسٍ لِلقَصفِ رَيحانُهُ
عَينُ المَها وَالبَقَرُ اللُعسُ

5. And a full moon like beauty mixed for me
Some of her love's touch

٥. وَغادَةٍ كَالبَدرِ مَمكورَةٍ
خالَطَني مِن حُبِّها مَسُّ

6. When the tongues of drinking flow
They become like silent tongues

٦. أَلسِنَةُ الشَربِ إِذا ما جَرَت
كَأَنَّها أَلسِنَةٌ خُرسُ

7. Harun is a full moon for the Hashemites
And Harun's sister is their sun

٧. هارونُ بَدرٌ لِبَني هاشِمٍ
وَأُختُ هارونَ لَهُم شَمسُ

8. The visitors never leave her door
As if they were held by a wedding

٨. لا يَبرَحُ الزُوّارُ مِن بابِها
كَأَنَّما ضَمَّهُمُ عُرسُ

9. You descended from the heights of Hashem
The crops and trees flourished for you

٩. حَلَلتِ في الذَروَةِ مِن هاشِمٍ
طابَ لَها المَنبَتُ وَالغَرسُ

10. O sister of Harun, your father
Exceeds all words and speculation

١٠. يا أُختَ هارونَ أَبوكِ الَّذي
يَقصُرُ عَنهُ القَولُ وَالحَدسُ

11. Life was good to you each day
Even yesterday envies this day

١١. طابَ لَكِ العَيشُ عَلى يَومِهِ
هَذا الَّذي يَحسُدُهُ أَمسُ

12. For the Imam of guidance tapped the spout
In an hour avoided by bad omens

١٢. فَقَد فَصَدَ العِرقَ إِمامُ الهُدى
في ساعَةٍ جانَبَها النَحسُ

13. In a gathering whose pleasures were complete
Confusing jinn and mankind

١٣. في مَجلِسٍ تَمَّت لَذاذاتُهُ
يَعجَزُ عَنهُ الجِنُّ وَالإِنسُ

14. May Allah grant it lasting joy
Tranquilizing eyes and soul

١٤. أَعقَبَهُ اللَهُ سُروراً بِهِ
وَقَرَّتِ العَينانِ وَالنَفسُ