1. The clan of Hanifa are not pleased with the claimant
So leave Hanifa and seek another lineage
١. بَنو حَنيفَةَ لا يَرضى الدَعيُّ بِهِم
فَاِترُك حَنيفَةَ وَاِطلُب غَيرَها نَسَبا
2. And go to the Arabs who are pleased with their lineage
Indeed I see you have a nature that resembles the Arabs
٢. وَاِذهَب إِلى عَرَبٍ تَرضى بِنِسبَتِهِم
إِنّي أَرى لَكَ خَلقاً يُشبِهُ العَرَبا
3. You met me with protestation after the rhymes
Grazed in you, leaving their mark as blame
٣. لَقيتَني بِاِحتِجاجٍ بَعدَما رَتَعَت
فيكَ القَوافي وَأَبقى وَسمُها نَدَبا
4. Why, while you were behind my back eating me
Did you not congratulate me but remained saddened
٤. هَلّا وَأَنتَ بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ تَأكُلُني
فَلا تَهَنَّأتَني أَمسَكتَ مُتَّئِبا
5. You escaped from me though the bet had stirred between us
To an end that deterred you from gain and quest
٥. مُنيتَ مِنّي وَقَد هاجَ الرِهانُ بِنا
بِغايَةٍ مَنَعَتكَ الفَوتَ وَالطَلَبا
6. So sit, for you are free, pledged
To the chapter of ignorance unless I possess anger
٦. فَاِقعُد فَأَنتَ طَليقُ العَفوِ مُرتَهَنٌ
بِسَورَةِ الجَهلِ ما لَم أَملِكِ الغَضَبا