1. The man without ambition says,
"No, it's just that I have no money."
١. وَقائِلٍ لَيسَت لَهُ هِمَّةٌ
كَلّا وَلَكِن ما لَهُ مالُ
2. But a poor man's ambition is merely a wish;
Help against fate and distraction.
٢. وَهِمَّةُ المُقتِرِ أُمنِيَّةٌ
عَونٌ عَلى الدَهرِ وَإِشغالُ
3. No firm resolve arises in him
When people are so demanding and stingy.
٣. لا حِدَّةٌ تَنهَضُ في عَزمِها
وَالناسُ سُؤّالٌ وَبُخّالٌ
4. So be patient with fate until there comes
A time that makes your state tolerable.
٤. فَاِصبِر مَعَ الدَهرِ إِلى دَولَةٍ
تَحمِلُ فيها حالِكَ الحالُ