1. Doubt stood me next to your generosity
And my praise, though high, was remiss
١. وَقَفَتني عَلى نَداكَ الظُنونُ
وَثَنائي عالي السَناءِ ثَمينُ
2. Gratitude from me was not equal to your trials
Else I’d truly be unwise
٢. ما عَلى قَدرِ ما اِبتُليتَ أَتاكَ ال
شُكرُ مِنّي إِنّي إِذاً لَغَبينُ
3. When doubt of you ever entered me
It was soon dispelled by your certainty
٣. وَإِذا ما أَخَلَّ بي فيكَ ظَنٌّ
وَجَلا الشَكَّ عَنهُ مِنكَ اليَقينُ
4. Hope in it from me was frustrated by return
Perhaps and maybe persisted
٤. عَزَّ فيهِ الرَجاءُ مِنّي بِعودٍ
وَاِستَبَدَّت بِهِ عَسى وَيَكونُ
5. Your rebuke saddled my soul
Until it was docile to the bridle though stubborn
٥. وَحَمَتكَ العِتابَ نَفسِيَ حَتّى
سَلِسَت لِلقِيادِ وَهِيَ حَرونُ
6. By my life, if I ever sought payment
For my thanks, I'd be miserly indeed
٦. وَلَعَمري لَئِن طَلَبتُ لِشُكري
ثَمَناً إِنَّني إِذاً لَضَنينُ
7. A brother who envied gifts and was distraught
Though filled to the brim with affluence
٧. وَأَخٍ شِمتُهُ العَطاءَ فَأَكدَى
وَهوَ مَلآنُ مِن يَسارٍ بَطينُ
8. If the world had given you what it gave him
Millions would be paltry in your hands
٨. لَو أَتَتكَ الدُنيا بِما قَد أَتَتهُ
لاِستُقِلَّت عَلى يَدَيكَ المِئينُ
9. After the prime of life estranged me
A nature safe from the world's blandishments
٩. عاقَني مِنهُ بَعدَ شارِفِ حِلمٍ
خُلُقٌ عَن نَدى الدُناةِ مَصونُ
10. Grief mixed him with those now dead
Diminishing for me his loss's blow
١٠. خَلَطَتهُ الأَسى بِمَن ماتَ حَتّى
هَوَّنَت فَقدَهُ عَلِيَّ المَنونُ