1. My beloved, I see no shame in love
So reproach me not, for I've cast off restraint
١. خَليلَيَّ لَستُ أَرى الحُبَّ عارا
فَلا تَعذُلاني خَلَعتُ العِذارا
2. How can one show patience when his heart
Is near bursting with passion's fierce complaint
٢. وَكَيفَ تَصَبُّرُ مَن قَلبُهُ
يَكادُ مِنَ الحُبِّ أَن يُستَطارا
3. Desire has left my soul dying in her
To perish again and again for love's sweet pain
٣. لَقَد تَرَكَ الوَجدُ نَفسي بِها
تَموتُ مِراراً وَتَحيا مِرارا
4. Though we're both lovers, I less can endure
Parting from her, so little fortitude have I to sustain
٤. كِلانا مُحِبٌّ وَلَكِنَّني
عَلى الهَجرِ مِنها أَقَلُّ اِصطِبارا
5. When I said I would forget, passion called me
And lit in my heart a blaze of longing fire
٥. إِذا قُلتُ أَسلو دَعاني الهَوى
فَأَلهَبَ في القَلبِ لِلشَوقِ نارا
6. It twisted the braids of one with a throat melodious
As if adorned with gleaming beads of ruby entire
٦. وَأَحوَرَ وَسنانَ ذي غُنَّةٍ
كَأَنَّ بِوَجنَتِهِ الجُلَّنارا
7. Passion robed me in the garb of love-madness
And made it my habit and cloak to attire
٧. كَساني مِنَ الحُبِّ ثَوبَ الجَوى
فَصارَ الشِعارَ وَصارَ الدِثارا
8. Can you not see that in Damascus' land
I obeyed passion and drank love's elixir
٨. أَلَم تَرَ أَنّي بِأَرضِ الشَآمِ
أَطَعتُ الهَوى وَشَرِبتُ العُقارا
9. I drank it and a young wine-pourer chastened me
Though young, for the young I hold much desire
٩. شَرِبتُ وَنادَمَني شادِنٌ
صَغيرٌ وَإِنّي أُحِبُّ الصِغارا
10. The pouring of coffee by a lovely cup-bearer
Banishing cares and cheering the spirit with cheer
١٠. وَصِرفَ رُصافِيَّةٍ قَهوَةٍ
تُميتُ الهُمومَ وَتُبدي السِرارا
11. A goblet of rich wine which when clinked
Sends sparks flying up from its crystalclear
١١. كُمَيتٍ رَحيقٍ إِذا صُفِّقَت
أَطارَت عَلى حافَّتَيها الشَرارا
12. I nearly made Damascus home for the love
Of wine, though forbidden in religion most austere
١٢. لَقَد كِدتُ مِن حُبِّ خَمرِ البَلي
خِ أَن أَجعَلَ الشامَ أَهلاً وَدارا
13. I plied him with drink until when at last
His eyes grew drowsy with tipsiness sincere
١٣. فَما زِلتُ أَسقيهِ حَتّى إِذا
ثَنى طَرفَهُ نَشوَةً وَاِستَدارا
14. I rose and kissed him and embraced him
And loosened all modesty's bonds sincere
١٤. نَهَضتُ إِلَيهِ فَقَبَّلتُهُ
وَعانَقتُهُ وَحَلَلتُ الإِزارا
15. The scent of jasmine heightened my fervor for him
As we lay among the fragrant flowers without fear
١٥. وَقَد زادَني طَرَباً نَحوَهُ
مُضاجَعَةُ الياسَمينَ البَهارا
16. A poet of great skill wrote verses about me
That showed admiration for my passion sincere
١٦. أَتاني لَها شِعرُ ذي قُدرَةٍ
عَلى الشِعرِ قَد قالَ فِيَّ اِقتِدارا
17. Say to me, though you're displeased, we're content with you
For though I seek not the virtuous, your friendship I hold dear
١٧. فَقُل لي رِضىً قَد رَضينا بِكُم
وَإِن كُنتُ لَستُ أُريدُ الخِيارا