1. I return to what I had hoped for from her
When hopeless desires for her return
١. أُعاوِدُ ما قَدَّمتُهُ مِن رَجائِها
إِذا عاوَدَت بِاليَأسِ مِنها المَطامِعُ
2. She saw me, no longer needing her, so she turned away
Did I ever flinch except when fingers snap?
٢. رَأَتني غَنِيَّ الطَرفِ عَنها فَأَعرَضَت
وَهَل خِفتُ إِلّا ماتَنِمُّ الأَصابِعُ
3. I grew weary of her coyness, so she bowed her head
They have ears that are deafened from her charms
٣. مَلِلتُ مِنَ العُذّالِ فيها فَأَطرَقَت
لَهُم أُذُنٌ قَد صَمَّ مِنها المَسامِعُ
4. And my eyes did not adorn her out of stubbornness
But passion flowed in her, pliant and obedient
٤. وَما زَيَّنَتها العَينُ لي عَن لَجاجَةٍ
وَلَكِن جَرى فيها الهَوى وَهوَ طائِعُ
5. So I swore to forget the things that called me to youth
And my eyes surprised her, agreement inevitable
٥. فَأَقسَمتُ أَنسى الداعِياتِ إِلى الصِبا
وَقَد فاجَأَتها العَينُ وَالسِترُ واقِعُ
6. She covered her breasts with her hands
Like the hands of captives burdened by mosques
٦. فَغَطَّت بِأَيديها ثِمارَ نُحورِها
كَأَيدي الأَسارى أَثقَلَتها الجَوامِعُ