
O you who reproached me, your reproach did me good

يا واشيا حسنت فينا إساءته

1. O you who reproached me, your reproach did me good
Your warning rescued my humanity from drowning

١. يا واشِياً حَسُنَت فينا إِساءَتهُ
نَجّى حِذارُكَ إِنساني مِنَ الغَرَقِ

2. Indeed I hold back tears whose driver rushed forth
Sick with crying, eyes overflowing with tears

٢. إِنّي أَصُدُّ دُموعاً لَجَّ سائِقُها
مَطروفَةَ العَينِ بِالمَرضى مِنَ الحَدَقِ

3. Alas, fate has reached its purpose in him
My heart distraught, torn between yearning and disquiet

٣. إيهٍ فَإِنَّ النَوى وافَت مُصيبَتُهُ
مُوَلَّعَ القَلبِ بَينَ الشَوقِ وَالقَلَقِ

4. Not every blamer's ear do I incline to
You have heard my protest, now go away

٤. ما كُلُّ عاذِلَةٍ تُصغي لَها أُذُني
وَقَد سَمِعتِ عَلى الإِكراهِ فَاِنطَلِقي

5. Neither through ignorance did I indulge desire
Nor disobey the God of forbearance through impudence

٥. فَما سَلَوتُ الهَوى جَهلاً بِلَذَّتِهِ
وَلا عَصَيتُ إِلَهَ الحِلمِ عَن خَرَقِ