
Return to your consolation, remembrance does not oppress you,

عاود عزاءك لا يعنف بك الذكر

1. Return to your consolation, remembrance does not oppress you,
What is it that you await after the greying of the head?

١. عاوِد عَزاءَكَ لا يَعنُف بِكَ الذِكَرُ
ماذا الَّذي بَعدَ شَيبِ الرَأسِ تَنتَظِرُ

2. This youth has an impetuousness that is prone to evil,
Before thirty he is inclined by mischief.

٢. هَذا الشَبابُ لَهُ في شِرَّةٍ أُنُفُ
دونَ الثَلاثينَ مَجلوبٌ بِهِ الشِرَرُ

3. Reason throws him with resolve but desire pulls him
To lusts, the nearby maidens and coquetry pull him.

٣. يَرميهِ بِالحَزمِ مَعقولٌ فَتَنزِعُهُ
إِلى التَصابي القَريباتُ الهَوى النُفُرُ

4. Crescents above branches on sand dunes
As if they are images walked by cows.

٤. أَهِلَّةٌ فَوقَ أَغصانٍ عَلى كُثُبٍ
كَأَنَّها صُوَرٌ تَمشي بِها البَقَرُ

5. She cries for the whiteness that appeared in his separation,
Whiteness that does not cease flowing for him.

٥. تَبكي لِبَيضاءَ لاحَت في مَفارِقِهِ
بَيضاءُ ما يَنقَضي مِنها لَهُ وَطَرُ

6. Greying hair frightens her but she loves
What little of it the old age did not make rigid.

٦. يَروعُها الشَيبُ تاراتٍ وَيُعجِبُها
بَقِيَّةٌ مِنهُ لَم يَعنُف بِها الكِبَرُ

7. It is youth so why was adolescence imprisoned?
Its days have hardened and bitterness took over.

٧. هُوَ الشَبابُ فَما بالُ الصِبا حُبِسَت
أَيّامُهُ وَقَد اِشتَدَّت لَها المِرَرُ

8. Both the new and old I have wetted their parchments
With the past, present, forgiven and forgiving.

٨. كِلا الجَديدَينِ قَد أُطعِمتُ حَبرَتَهُ
بادٍ وَماضٍ وَمَغفورٌ وَمُغتَفَرُ

9. O Caliph of God, victory is destined for you
Since you have been tested and tried.

٩. خَليفَةَ اللَهِ إِنَّ النَصرَ مُقتَصَرٌ
عَلَيكَ مُذ أَنتَ مَبلوٌ وَمُختَبَرُ

10. You have prepared for war a sword from the tribe of Matar
That goes forth by your command, excuses denied to it.

١٠. أَعدَدتَ لِلحَربِ سَيفاً مِن بَني مَطَرٍ
يَمضي بِأَمرِكَ مَخلوعاً لَهُ العُذُرُ

11. The sons of Caesar, when you set aims against them,
Will meet what the Khazars will meet like it.

١١. لاقى بَنو قَيصَرٍ لَمّا هَمَمتَ بِهِم
مِثلَ الَّذي سَوفَ تَلقى مِثلَهُ الخَزَرُ

12. You have sent against the Khan a barefoot army,
Rugged, stony, leaving no survivor or remnant.

١٢. لَقَد بَعَثتَ إِلى خاقانَ جائِحَةً
خَرقاءَ حَصّاءَ لا تُبقي وَلا تَذَرُ

13. Terror from you stands over them
Until destiny concurs regarding them with your view.

١٣. أَظَلَّهُم مِنكَ رُعبٌ واقِفٌ بِهِمُ
حَتّى يُوافِقَ فيهِم رَأيَكَ القَدَرُ

14. More terminal than death, pardoning when able,
Death has no pardon when able to take.

١٤. أَمضى مِنَ المَوتِ يَعفو عِندَ قُدرَتِهِ
وَلَيسَ لِلمَوتِ عَفوٌ حينَ يَقتَدِرُ

15. Neither hope of gain nor elation of support
Shoot him in his kingdom. No victor but you.

١٥. ما إِن رَمى بِالمُنى في مُلكِهِ طَمَعٌ
وَلا تَخَطّاهُ التَأيِيدُ وَالظَفَرُ