1. O guest of Musa, my brother Khuzaymah though deaf
Or Fataham if you have not become deaf
١. يا ضَيفَ موسى أَخى خُزَيمَةَ صُم
أَو فَتَحامَ إِن كُنتَ لَم تَصُمِ
2. He lowered his gaze when you came singing praises
So he said no merit over bounty
٢. أَطرَقَ لَمّا أَتَيتَ مُمتَدِحاً
فَلَم يَقُل لا فَضلاً عَلى نَعَمِ
3. And he shivered for fear of being questioned as
One shivers at death, suffering pain
٣. وَأَربَدَّ مِن خَشيَةِ السُؤالِ كَما
يَربَدُّ عِندَ الوَفاةِ ذُو أَلَمِ
4. I feared if he died I would be blamed for it
So I got up seeking deliverance from blame
٤. فَخِفتُ إِن ماتَ أَن أُقادَ بِهِ
فَقُمتُ أَبغي النَجاةَ مِن أَمَمِ
5. If he had the treasure of servants in his hand
He would not cease to suffer nothingness
٥. لَو أَنَّ كَنزَ العِبادِ في يَدِهِ
لَم يَدَعِ الإِعتِلالَ بِالعَدَمِ