
You people of serenity have departed after being near

أهل الصفاء نأيتم بعد قربكم

1. You people of serenity have departed after being near
So I gained nothing by living purely after you

١. أَهلَ الصَفاءِ نَأَيتُم بَعدَ قُربِكُمُ
فَما اِنتَفَعتُ بِعَيشٍ بَعدَكُم صافي

2. I sought the companionship of one who does not agree with me
So my arrow about him was wandering and floating

٢. وَقَد قَصَدتُ نَدى مَن لا يُوافِقُني
فَكانَ سَهمِيَ عَنهُ الطائِشَ الطافي

3. I wanted a life but God willed something different
Has not fate cheated me enough by going back on me

٣. أَرَدتُ عَمراً وَشاءَ اللَهُ خارِجَةً
أَما كَفى الدَهرُ مِن خَلفي وَإِخلافي