1. A phantom from the distant beloved, the obsessed love
It walked away, and determination to endure walked away from it
١. خَيالٌ مِنَ النائي الهَوى المُتَبَعِّدِ
سَرى فَسَرى عَنهُ عَزيمُ التَجَلُّدِ
2. It called the rain until when it responded
It circled the eyelids made sleepy
٢. دَعا وَطَراً حَتّى إِذا ما أَجابَهُ
أَطافَ بِمَطروفِ الجُفونِ مُسَهَّدِ
3. So it stayed conversing with the star until it was as if
It confided to its eyes the totality of the night of blindness
٣. فَباتَ يُناجي النَجمَ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
يُخالِسُ عَينَيهِ الكَرى لَيلُ أَرمَدِ
4. When infatuation took hold of the core of its heart
It bent its longing like two feathered arrows straightened
٤. إِذا أَمكَنَ السُلوانُ حَبَّةَ قَلبِهِ
ثَنى شَوقَهُ سَهمانِ ريشا بِإِثمِدِ
5. The face of misery appears to it and a downpour descends upon it
With no specific aim in increasing remoteness
٥. يُطالِعُهُ وَجهُ العَزاءِ وَتَرتَمي
بِهِ صَبوَةٌ في شَأوِ غَيرِ مُسَدَّدِ
6. When sleep meets the eyelids they are divided
The hatreds of renewed, recurring love
٦. إِذا أَلِفَ النَومُ الجُفونَ تَقَسَّمَت
كَراهُ تَباريحُ الهَوى المُتَجَدِّدِ
7. My blamer, I have not been harsh in blame
That appeared with advice from your conscience, so head towards me
٧. مَلامَكِ إِنّي لَم أُعَنِّف مَلامَةً
تَراءَت بِنُصحٍ مِن ضَميرِكِ فَاقصِدي
8. Without the determination of a person, a happy anxiety came
And a heart, if longing turns away from it, it shrivels
٨. أَتى دونَ عَزمِ المَرءِ هَمٌّ مُبَرِّحٌ
وَقَلبٌ لَهُ إِن يَعرِضَ الشَوقُ يَكمَدِ
9. And a flock of sorrows that fold the breast
To a sunrise, whoever faces it recoils
٩. وَسِربٌ مِنَ الأَشجانِ يُطوى لَهُ الحَشى
عَلى شَرقٍ مَن يَلقَهُ يَتَبَلَّدِ
10. It sent to its female companions a greeting
With glances, testimonies of denial witnessed
١٠. بَعَثنَ إِلى خُلّانِهِنَّ تَحِيَّةً
بِأَلحاظِ أَبصارٍ شَواهِدَ جُحَّدِ
11. So when a downpour came down and love walked
With them, and the whisper of the patient lessened
١١. فَلَمّا اِشرَأَبَّت صَبوَةٌ وَمَشى الهَوى
بِهِنَّ وَخَيَّفَت بَوحَةُ المُتَجَلِّدِ
12. They forgave it quickly, so their necks rose
With a carpet slipped from them, the robes cast down
١٢. صَفَحنَ قِياماً فَاِستَقَلَّت نُحورُها
بِمُنقَدَّةٍ عَنها الجَلابيبُ نُهَّدِ
13. One evening, the fervor of longing departed and withdrawal remained
In its witness, the rest of my resolve and my banner
١٣. عَشِيَّةَ وَلَّت رَوعَةُ الشَوقِ وَاِنطَوى
بِشاهِدِهِ باقي اِعتِزامي وَمَفنَدي
14. The fates brought it wisdom, so it returned
To a purpose, from one affliction to one wavering
١٤. أَفاءَت لَهُ الأَرصادُ حِلماً فَرَدَّهُ
إِلى عَزمَةٍ مِن واجِدٍ مُتَلَدِّدِ
15. It schemes through it to conceal the sincerity of love
A setting with flocks of tears gathered
١٥. يَكيدُ بِهِ كِتمانَ صادِقَةِ الهَوى
غُروبٌ بِأَسرابٍ مِنَ الدَمعِ حُشَّدِ
16. To you, trusted by God, the sands have turned against us
The girls of separation, in every path straightforward
١٦. إِلَيكَ أَمينَ اللَهِ ثارَت بِنا القَطا
بَناتُ الفَلا في كُلِّ ميثٍ مُسَرَّدِ
17. The journeys anchored in you and the deserts blameless
Hopes of the heedless have tossed you among them
١٧. أَناخَت بِكَ الأَسفارُ وَالبيدُ أَينُقاً
رَمَتكَ بِها آمالُ غافينَ وُفَّدِ
18. The journeys have taken it like the violent taking
Their steps quickened by them, while the star wanders guided
١٨. أَخَذنَ السُرى أَخذَ العَنيفِ وَأَسرَعَت
خُطاها بِها وَالنَجُم حَيرانُ مُهتَدِ
19. So when the night cleared away for the morning, and it met it
With a border from its scattered dawn
١٩. فَلَمّا اِنتَضى اللَيلُ الصَباحَ وَصَلنَهُ
بِحاشِيَةٍ مِن فَجرِهِ المُتَوَرِّدِ
20. They wore the darkness until the stars of night poured out
Like scattered ashes poured by the hand
٢٠. لَبِسنَ الدُجى حَتّى نَضَت وَتَصَوَّبَت
هَوادي نُجومُ اللَيلِ كَالدَحوِ بِاليَدِ
21. Its resting place is atop its saddlebags
When the touch of pebbles prevents every arid waterbag
٢١. يَكونُ مَقيلُ الرَكبِ فَوقَ رِحالِها
إِذا مَنَعَت لَمسَ الحَصى كُلُّ صَيخَدِ
22. And a road blocker, frightening
As if upon its sides a sharp sword
٢٢. وَقاطِعَةٍ رِجلَ السَبيلِ مَخوَفَةٍ
كَأَنَّ عَلى أَرجائِها حَدَّ مِبرَدِ
23. Rebellious winds upon the traveling party, defying every patched waterskin
Shortening the sight along its expanses
٢٣. عَزوفٌ بِأَنفاسِ الرِياحِ أَبِيَّةٍ
عَلى الرَكبِ تَستَعصي عَلى كُلِّ جَلعَدِ
24. The squinting of Sufyan upon them and frost
Girded with instruments, it is as if they are
٢٤. يُقَصِّرُ قابَ العَينِ في فَلواتِها
نَواشِزُ صَفوانٍ عَلَيها وَجَلمَدِ
25. Men sitting in an effaced refuge
When it moves them, and the echo stands
٢٥. مُؤَزَّرَةٍ بِالآلِ فيها كَأَنَّها
رِجالٌ قُعودٌ في مَلاءٍ مُعَضَّدِ
26. Upon the melodies of singing partridge
I reached its furthest part to you, and beyond it
٢٦. إِذا الحَرَكاتُ هِجنَها وَقفَ الصَدى
عَلى نَبَزاتٍ مِن أَهازيجِ هُدهُدِ
27. A reaper of the necks of the long-necked ostriches
With the dialect of a letter that renews its meadows
٢٧. تَناوَلتُ أَقصاها إِلَيكَ وَدونَهُ
مَقَصٌّ لِأَعناقِ النِجاءِ العَمَرَّدِ
28. The meadows of journeying and the blazing planet
When one pebble strikes, it hurls it
٢٨. بِوَجناءَ حَرفٍ يَستَجِدُّ مِراحَها
مِراحُ السُرى وَالكَوكَبِ المُتَوَقِّدِ
29. So it hurls into another, even if not intended
The she-camels knelt down to you, married
٢٩. إِذا قَدَحَت إِحدى الحَصا قَذَفَت بِها
فَتَقذِفُ في أُخرى وَإِن لَم تَعَمَّدِ
30. Upon a hope for white-robed answers to call back
The events appeared to it until when it attained
٣٠. أَقَلَّت إِلَيكَ الناجِداتُ مُعَرِّساً
عَلى أَمَلٍ جَوّابَ بَيداءَ قَردَدِ
31. Your hope, they turned away from it from a near place
You stood upon the path of conjectures, so they were honest
٣١. تَراءَت لَهُ الأَحداثُ حَتّى إِذا اِقتَنى
رَجاءَكَ صَدَّت عَنهُ عَن قُربِ مَعهَدِ
32. And every wandering outcast brought the judgment to you
When the passions of a people differ, you unite them
٣٢. وَقَفتَ عَلى النَهجِ الظُنونَ فَصَرَّحَت
وَأَدّى إِلَيكَ الحُكمَ كُلُّ مُشَرَّدِ
33. Upon pardon or the edge of the sharpened sword
When they crawl, concern for them becomes evident
٣٣. إِذا اِختَلَفَت أَهواءُ قَومٍ جَمَعتَهُم
عَلى العَفوِ أَو حَدِّ الحُسامِ المُهَنَّدِ
34. And if they rebel, they become prey of an onlooker
With every swimmer in the deep water, it is as if
٣٤. إِذا اِنجَحَروا جَلّى بِخَوفٍ عَلَيهِمُ
وَإِن أَصحَروا كانوا فَريسَةَ مُرصِدِ
35. Its wings enveloped them like a hidden feather
When they bent to the darkness with spoils
٣٥. بِكُلِّ سَبوحٍ في العَجاجِ كَأَنَّما
تَكَنَّفَ عِطفَيها جَناحا خَفَيدَدِ
36. The journeys divided in every plain and hill
It is as if the palms of the people were bent and straight
٣٦. إِذا هُنَّ غامَسنَ الدُجى بِغَنيمَةٍ
قَسَمنَ السُرى في كُلِّ سَهلٍ وَأَجلَدِ
37. Were exchanging presents upon the back of a turtle
They greeted with the edges of the spear and embraced
٣٧. كَأَنَّ أَكُفَّ القَومِ مَثنى وَمَوحَدا
تَعاطَينَ جادِيّاً عَلى ظَهرِ قَرمَدِ
38. The embrace of hatred, not affection
And you surprised it before the threat with its death
٣٨. تَحَيَّوا بِأَطرافِ القَنى وَتَعانَقوا
مُعانَقَةَ البَغضاءِ غَيرَ التَوَدُّدِ
39. While the sword and spear failed against it
And it feared you until it came to suspect wishes
٣٩. وَفاجَأتَهُ قَبلَ الوَعيدِ بِحَتفِهِ
وَقَد عَجَزَت عَنهُ عَسى وَكَأَن قَدِ
40. And blame the whispers of the soul in solitude
٤٠. وَخافَكَ حَتّى صارَ يَرتابُ بِالمُنى
وَيُتهِمُ نَجوى النَفسِ عِندَ التَوَحُّدِ