1. My mind is distracted from home, I weep for it and eulogize it
When it is devoid of a beloved companion and his melodies
١. شُغلي عَنِ الدارِ أَبكيها وَأَرثيها
إِذا خَلَت مِن حَبيبٍ لي مَغانيها
2. Let the rains keep eroding its soil whenever they pour down
And let the winds sweep it away and make it barren
٢. دَعِ الرَوامِسَ تَسفى كُلَّما دَرَجَت
تُرابَها وَدَعِ الأَمطارَ تُبليها
3. If my beloved is in it, I would stay there with him
Otherwise, why would I not abandon it
٣. إِن كانَ فيها الَّذي أَهوى أَقَمتُ بِها
وَإِن عَداها فَما لي لا أُعَدّيها
4. Is a dwelling not most deserving of abandonment
When the paths of my soul's passion within it are blocked?
٤. أَحَقُّ مَنزِلَةٍ بِالتَركِ مَنزِلَةٌ
تَعَطَّلَت مِن هَوى نَفسي نَواديها
5. I made my companion drunk with wine from a deaf ear
That hears its reverberations when called
٥. أَمكَنتُ عاذِلَتي في الخَمرِ مِن أُذُنٍ
صَمّاءَ يُعيِ صَداها مَن يُناديها
6. And when a moon handed me the cup I told him
Now, as you draw the bow take careful aim
٦. وَقُلتُ حينَ أَدارَ الكَأسَ لي قَمَرٌ
الآنَ حينَ تَعاطى القَوسَ باريها
7. O most adept of men in mixing it and serving it
You have set proper limits for it, so keep it circulating between us
٧. يا أَملَحَ الناسِ كَفّاً حينَ يَمزُجُها
وَحينَ يَأخُذُها صِرفاً وَيُعطيها
8. If wine steals minds, your eyes steal my soul
When you glance at me as you fill my cup
٨. قَد قُمتَ مِنها عَلى حَدٍّ يُلائِمُها
فَهَكَذا فَأَدِرها بَينَنا إِيها
9. In your eyelashes are spells that speak
With one word, though their meanings are diverse
٩. إِن كانَتِ الخَمرُ لِلأَلبابِ سالِبَةً
فَإِنَّ عَينَيكَ تَجري في مَجاريها
10. So drink that you may be blessed with its intoxication
And the cup grants the soul what it desires
١٠. سِيانَ كَأسٌ مِنَ الصَهباءِ أَشرَبُها
وَنَظرَةٌ مِنكَ عِندي حينَ تُصبيها
11. The one with a slender waist wrapped in his cloak
Steps gently in delicate fabric
١١. في مُقلَتَيكَ صِفاتُ السِحرِ ناطِقَةٌ
بِلَفظِ واحِدَةٍ شَتّى مَعانيها
12. When I look at him, my gaze gets lost
And if I complain to him, he increases my confusion
١٢. فَاِشرَب لَعَلَّكَ أَن تَحظى بِسَكرَتِها
فَتَصدُقَ الكَأسُ نَفَساً ما تُمَنّيها
13. If not for the Trustworthy One on earth, my carefree beloveds
Would have stolen his daughters when they were unguarded
١٣. وَمُخطَفِ الخَصرِ في أَردافِهِ عَمَمٌ
يَميسُ في خامَةٍ رَقَّت حَواشيها
14. God's Deputy - the obediences have yielded to him
Though the cheeks' hair recoil, despite their grooming
١٤. إِذا نَظَرتُ إِلَيهِ تاهَ عَن نَظَري
وَإِن شَكَوتُ إِلَيهِ زادَني تيها
15. His hands have revived bounty and generosity, so they spread
Throughout the land, soaring and traversing its regions
١٥. لَولا الأَمينُ الَّذي في الأَرضِ ما اِختَلَسَت
بَناتُ لَهوي إِذا عَنَّت غَواشيها
16. His virtues have encompassed the world, and the first of them
Is his help extended to the farthest ends
١٦. خَليفَةُ اللَهِ قَد ذَلَّت بِطاعَتِهِ
صُعرُ الخُدودِ بِرَغمٍ مِن مَراقيها
17. How many hands, if thanked for the Trustee of God
Would be too humble for even the lowest of his gifts?
١٧. أَحيَت يَداهُ النَدى وَالجودَ فَاِنتَشَرا
في الأَرضِ طُرّاً وَجالا في نَواحيها
18. A noble whose ease makes wealth's necks bow down
When the money-seeker comes desiring it
١٨. عَمَّت مَكارِمُهُ الدُنيا فَأَوَّلُها
تُهدى نَداهُ إِلى أُخرى أَقاصيها
19. Your right hand blesses us with ongoing rains
As these clouds attest, high on the horizon
١٩. كَم مِن يَدٍ لِأَمينِ اللَهِ لَو شُكِرَت
لَقَصَّرَ النَفسُ عَن أَدنى أَدانيها
20. Quraysh took the heights of every glory
And your house took the highest of the high
٢٠. فَتىً تُهينُ رِقابَ المالِ راحَتُهُ
إِذا أَتاها مُريدُ المالِ يَبغيها
21. You surpassed the desert's elders and youth
And your ancestors surpassed those past
٢١. يُمنى يَدَيكَ لَنا جَدوى مُطَبَّقَةٍ
هَذا السَحابُ بِأَعلى الأُفقِ يَحكيها
22. You built your house high in glorious heights
Beside which the stars fall short of reaching
٢٢. حَلَّت قُرَيشُ العُلا مِن كُلِّ مَكرُمَةٍ
وَحَلَّ بَيتُكَ في أَعلى أَعاليها
23. When people compete for the peaks of glory
Your palm falls below no other in containing them
٢٣. فُقتَ البَرِيَّةَ مِن كَهلٍ وَمِن حَدَثٍ
وَفاقَ أَباؤُكَ الماضونَ ماضيها
24. God's Deputy - if his merits were counted
The counters would fall short in enumerating them
٢٤. شَيَّدتَ بَيتَكَ في عَلياءِ مَكرُمَةٍ
يُقَصِّرُ النَجمُ عَن أَدنى مَراقيها
25. The Trustworthy races the kings of all people
With no precedence in his principles
٢٥. ما يَسبِقُ الناسُ في غاياتِ مَكرُمَةٍ
إِلّا وَكَفُّكَ دونَ الخَلقِ تَحويها
26. Your virtues have reached the unreachable, connected to it
While those aspiring to them fall short
٢٦. خَليفَةُ اللَهِ لَو عُدَّت فَضائِلُهُ
إِذاً لَقَلَّ مِن الحُسّابِ مُحصيها
27. O most generous people when finding relief
From the afflictions fate brought to you
٢٧. جارى الأَمينُ مُلوكَ الناسِ كُلَّهُمُ
فَما تُقُدِّمَ سَبقاً في مَباديها
28. We do not fear the turns of fate as long as
Our palms are tied to your ropes maneuvering them
٢٨. نالَت مَكارِمُكَ العَيّوقَ فَاِتَّصَلَت
بِهِ وَقَصَّرَ عَنها مَن يُساميها
29. The Imam satisfied all with his nobility
And surpassed them by the houses of glory he builds
٢٩. يا أَكرَمَ الناسِ إِذ تُرجى لِنائِبَةٍ
جاءَت بِها حادِثاتُ الدَهرِ تَهديها
30. Your Lord saw you worthy of it and granted you it
So remain living joyfully and comfortably in it
٣٠. لَسنا نَخافُ صُروفَ الدَهرِ ما عَلِقَت
أَكُفُّنا بِحِبالٍ مِنكَ تَمريها
31. Harun revived and established the virtues
While you, son of Ghurr, make them endure
٣١. كافى الإِمامُ الوَرى طُرّاً بِأَجمَعِها
وَفاقَهُم بِبُيوتِ المَجدِ يَبنيها
32. O stabilizer of the kingdom when its pillars weakened
And the blind strife rose against it in rebellion
٣٢. رَآكَ رَبُّكَ أَهلاً إِذ حَباكَ بِها
فَاِبقَ وَدُم بِسُرورٍ ناعِماً فيها
33. How many deadly stabs you have for the enemies
That hasten them from spewing their spittle
٣٣. أَحيا المَكارِمَ هارونٌ وَأَثبَتَها
وَأَنتَ في الناسِ يا اِبنَ الغُرِّ تُمضيها
34. When you marched against the enemies at dawn
Not caring for them besides the cowards amongst them
٣٤. يا مُثبِتَ المُلكِ إِذا زالَت دَعائِمُهُ
وَثارَ بِالفِتنَةِ العَمياءِ باغيها
35. You dealt them deaths from which there is no escape
And you stood by the souls of truth, reviving them
٣٥. كَم طَعنَةٍ لَكَ في الأَعداءِ مُهلِكَةٍ
نَجلاءَ تُعجِلُهُم عَن نَفثِ راقيها
36. You extinguished in the East fires stoked to rage
That the Islam had difficulty concealing
٣٦. لَمّا غَدَوتَ إِلى الأَعداءِ مُطَّلِعاً
غَيرَ الجَبانِ عَلَيها لا تُباليها
37. Until you were sent against them as a mercy, so their fires
Subsided through you, their snakes scattered
٣٧. قَسَمتَ فيها مَنايا غَيرَ مُبقِيَةٍ
وَقُمتَ عِندَ نُفوسِ الحَقِّ تُحيِيها
38. God does not let people you rule be lost
Nor does He make a land of which you are the governor desolate
٣٨. أَخَمَدتَ بِالشَرقِ نيراناً مُؤَجَّجَةً
قَد كانَ عَزَّ عَلى الإِسلامِ مُخبيها
٣٩. حَتّى بُعِثتَ عَلَيها رَحمَةً فَخَبَت
نيرانُها بِكَ فَاِنفَتَّت أَفاعيها
٤٠. ما ضَيَّعَ اللَهُ قَوماً صِرتَ تَملِكُهُم
وَلا أَضاعَ بِلاداً أَنتَ واليها