
And he errs my excuse and face of my crime to her

ويخطئ عذري وجه جرمي عندها

1. And he errs my excuse and face of my crime to her
So I commit the sin to her from where I don't know

١. وَيُخطِئ عُذري وَجهَ جُرمِيَ عِندَها
فَأَجني إِلَيها الذَنبَ مِن حَيثُ لا أَدري

2. If she sins, I prepare an excuse for her sin
So if she becomes angry, my apology is from the excuse

٢. إِذا أَذنَبَت أَعدَدتُ عُذراً لِذَنبِها
فَإِن سَخَطَت كانَ اِعتِذاري مِنَ العُذرِ

3. Despair reminds me of you in the presence of wishes
And if I did not remember you except upon remembrance

٣. يَذكُرنيكِ اليَأسُ في حَضرَةِ المُنى
وَإِن كُنتُ لَم أَذكُركِ إِلّا عَلى ذِكرِ