
O Abu Al-Fadl, the abodes have stirred you,

يا أبا الفضل هيجتك الديار

1. O Abu Al-Fadl, the abodes have stirred you,
With partings and inventions.

١. يا أَبا الفَضلِ هَيَّجَتكَ الدِيارُ
وَرَواحٌ بِفُرقَةٍ وَاِبتِكارُ

2. How many a glance have I glanced with my eyes,
Not with your eyes, when there is no preferring.

٢. كَم وَكَم نَظرَةً نَظَرتُ بِعَيني
لا بِعَينَيكَ حينَ لا إيثارُ

3. And hearing I have heard for you, which gave me
Costly myrrh upon it as a fragrant scent.

٣. وَسَماعٍ سَمِعتُهُ لَكَ عاطَت
ني عَلَيهِ خَريدَةٌ مِعطارُ

4. Musk kissed her cheeks, so in them
Are remains of its kisses' traces.

٤. قَبَّلَ المِسكُ عارِضَيها فَفيها
مِن بَقايا تَقبيلِهِ آثارُ