
I concealed the sorrows of yearning, so my eyes

ورجوت عيني

1. I concealed the sorrows of yearning, so my eyes
Declared it and my heart articulated it with my tears

١. وكتمْتُ آلام الحنين فأفصحَتْ
عيني وأنطقها الفؤادُ بأدمعي

2. Everyone hears our longing in farewell
But the most truthful is the one not heard

٢. الكلُّ يسمع في الوداع حنيننا
لكنّ أصدقه الذي لم يُسمعِ

3. And I asked my eyes to restrain their tears
On the day of farewell, I urged them not to weep

٣. ورجوتُ عيني أن تكفّ دموعها
‏يومَ الوداعِ نشدتُها لاتدمعي

4. I closed them so they would not overflow, yet they rained
I knew I did not possess my tears

٤. ‏أغمضتُها كي لاتفيضَ فأمطرت
‏ايقنتُ أنّي لستُ أملك مدمَعي

5. And I saw a dream that I bid them farewell
So I wept from the pain of longing while they were with me

٥. ‏ورأيتُ حلماً أنني ودَّعْتُهم
‏فبكيتُ مِن ألم الحنين وهُم معي

6. It was bitter for me to bid farewell to a visitor
What about those I carried in my ribs?!

٦. ‏مُرٌ عليَّ بأن أُودّعَ زائرًا
‏كيفَ الذين حملتُهُم في أضلُعي ؟!