
We are the builders and the lords, the people of Marib knew

نحن المقاول والأملاك قد علمت

1. We are the builders and the lords, the people of Marib knew
That we are the people of scabbards

١. نَحنُ المُقاوِلُ وَالأَملاكُ قَد عَلِمَت
أَهلُ المَراشي بِأَنّا أَهلُ غُمدانا

2. And that we are the lords of Baynoun and its meadows
And the best builders, not to mention the architecture

٢. وَأَنَّنا رَبُّ بَينونٍ وَأَضرُعِهِ
وَالشيدِ مِن هَكِرٍ ناهيكَ بُنيانا

3. Baraqish and Ma'een, we populated them
And we are the lords of Sarwah and Rayshan

٣. بَراقِشٌ وَمَعينٌ نَحنُ عامِرُها
وَنَحنُ أَربابُ صِرواحٍ وَرَيشانا

4. And Na't, we built its fortresses
And minarets that rose high piercing the skies

٤. وَناعِطٍ نَحنُ شَيَّدنا مَعاقِلَها
وَمأَذَناً قَد عَلا نَشقاً وَنوفانا

5. Talfam of Bawan and the two palaces, with wine
And comfort, and the villages of Sharh and Da'an

٥. وَتَلفَمُ البَونِ وَالقَصرَينِ مِن خَمَرٍ
وَتَنعُمٍ وَقُرى شَرحٍ وَدَعّانا

6. And the two Hindas, built by the crowned one from Tubba'
And the palace of flowers, perfect, topping the summits

٦. وَالهِندَين بَنى ذو التاجِ مِن تُبَعٍ
وَقَصرِ ذي الوَرد تاما راسَ أَلهانا

7. And in Riyam and in the two Najds of mud brick
The minaret rose high and the builder surrounded it with a courtyard

٧. وَفي رِئامٍ وَفي النجدَين مِن مَدرٍ
عَلا المَنارُ وَحَفَ الشيِّدُ إِيوانا

8. And in Dhofar our fathers built chambers
And domes, and the palace of the king, the unique one

٨. وَفي ظِفارَ بَنتَ آباؤنا غُرَفاً
وَكَوكبانِ وَقصرِ المُلكِ ريدانا

9. And the palace of Baynoun was erected and built
By the glorious Amr, and he leveled the palace of Gumdan

٩. وَقَصرَ بَينُونَ عَلّاهُ وَشيَّدَهُ
ذُو الفَخرِ عَمرٌو وَسَوّى قَصرَ غُمدانا

10. And the palace of Ahwar, the tallest of buildings, of Yazan
And the palace Fayyash in the meadows, both existed

١٠. وَقَصرَ أَحوَرَ رَأسُ القَيلِ ذي يَزَنٍ
وَقَصرَ فَيّاشَ في أَريابَ قَد كانا

11. And the palace of Suhayn was erected and built
By our father Kahlun whom we loved, O Kahlun

١١. وَقَصرَ سُلحِينِ عَلّاهُ وَشَيَّدَهُ
كَهلانُ وَالِدُنا أَحبِب بِكَهلانا

12. So Marib became perforated by the winds
After the palaces and after the buildings, an arena

١٢. فَأَصبَحَت مارِبٌ لِلريحِ مُختَرَقاً
بَعدَ القُصور وَبَعدَ الشِيدِ مَيدانا

13. He brought water to a dam for our Marib
For the two gardens, our springs and cobras

١٣. ساقَ المياهَ إِلى سَدٍّ لمارِبنا
للجَنتين معايِينا وَثُعبانا