
I have translated the Arabic poem into English, preserving the poem output:

قد أغتدي والليل في ادهمامه

1. I have translated the Arabic poem into English, preserving the poem output:
The night has donned its darkest gown,

١. قَد أَغتَدي وَاللَيلُ في اِدهِمامِهِ
لَم يَحسِرِ الصُبحُ دُجى ظَلامِهِ

2. Yet dawn has not unveiled the light;
With arrows frolicking up and down,

٢. بِساهِمٍ يَمرَحُ في آدامِهِ
مُزَبرَجَ المَتنِ وَفي خِدامِهِ

3. His horse rears up in fevered flight.
His cheeks show features finely drawn

٣. مِثلُ بَديعِ العَصبِ في إِحكامِهِ
كَأَنَّ خَطَّي جانِبَي لِثامِهِ

4. As if tattooed on his veil outright
From nape to lip, so fair a dawn,

٤. مِن مُؤخَرِ الخَدِّ إِلى قُدّامِهِ
خَطٌّ مُبينُ النَقشِ في إِعجامِهِ

5. Clear scripted lines in beauty's height.
By burnishing those lines he won

٥. أَجراهُما بِالعودِ مِن أَقلامِهِ
لا يَأمَنَنَّ الوَحشَ مِن عُرامِهِ

6. A sight to strike both fear and blight.
No beast escapes his daring run;

٦. يَعُدُّ يَومَ الدَجنِ مِن أَيّامِهِ
فَصارَ وَالمَقرورُ في أَهدامِهِ

7. He counts the day he'll join the fight,
When warrior arose from sleep

٧. قَبلَ اِنتِباهِ الحَرِّ مِن مَنامِهِ
اِبنُ فَلاةٍ ظَلَّ مِن آرامِهِ

8. A nomad's son warned of his might.
Then shelter in his tent he'll keep

٨. ثُمَّ اِنتَحى في سَنَنَي جِمامِهِ
لِناشِطٍ يَدفَعُ عَن أَخلامِهِ

9. Until a horseman comes in sight,
Continuing to tempt and sweep

٩. فَظَلَّ يُغري مُلتَقى أَخصامِهِ
مِن خَلفِهِ طَوراً وَمِن أَمامِهِ

10. His foes from back and front outright,
As if by war itself outborne

١٠. كَأَنَّهُ في الكَرِّ وَاِقتِحامِهِ
ضَربُ فَتى شَيبانَ في إِقدامِهِ

11. To thrust and pierce without respite.
The blow a noble knight has sworn

١١. مِن خيطَةِ النَحرِ وَمِن قُدّامِهِ
حَتّى هَوى يَفحَصُ في رُغامِهِ

12. Strikes straight across to kill outright.
He tumbles prostrate and forlorn,

١٢. مُنقَلِبُ الرَوقِ عَلى أَزلامِهِ
يا لَكَ مِن غادٍ إِلى حِمامِهِ