1. I concealed love, O Hakam
No, by Allah, it does not conceal
١. كَتَمتُ الحُبَّ يا حَكَمُ
وَلا وَاللَهِ يَنكَتِمُ
2. And I have not seen the like of this love
If they knew, they would blame me
٢. وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ هَذي النا
سُ لَم أَعلَمهُمُ عَلِموا
3. And nothing but my gaze upon them
When I come to accuse them
٣. وَلَيسَ سِوى مُلاحَظَتي
إِذا ما جِئتُ أَتَّهِمُ
4. I avoided my cousins and relatives
The son of the paternal uncle and relatives
٤. هَجَرتُ مَعاشِراً لَكِ في
هِمُ اِبنُ العَمِّ وَالرَحِمِ
5. And love for the cheek of al-Wadah
Is a love that does not fade away
٥. وَحُبُّ بُنَيَّةِ الوَضّا
حِ حُبٌّ لَيسَ يَنصَرِمُ
6. Are you by neighbor a hostage
His neighbors quenched the blood price
٦. أَمَ اِنتِ بِجارِهِ رَهَنٌ
سَقى جيرانَهُ الدِيَمُ
7. Oh you, the pagan priest
Who has turned him away from his idol
٧. أَلا يا أَيُّها القَسُّ ال
لَذي قَد صادَهُ صَنَمُ
8. If not for my love of them
My feet would not have walked to meet them
٨. وَلَولا حُبُّهُم لَم تَخ
طُ بي لِلِقائِهِم قَدَمُ
9. It saddens you what some people say
They reviled you because they knew
٩. يَغُمُّكَ قَولُ أَقوامٍ
لَحَوكَ لِأَنَّهُم عَلِموا
10. They have no pure love
And no sacred love
١٠. فَلَيسَ لَهُم هَوىً صَقِبٌ
وَلَيسَ لَهُم هَوىً أَمَمُ
11. They were merry and boastful
And your sickly body recovered
١١. فَصَحَّوا وَاِزدَهَوا مَرَحاً
وَأَنحَلَ جِسمَكَ السَقَمُ
12. And your brother from Asad said
A brother from generous Sus
١٢. وَقالَ أَخوكَ مِن أَسَدٍ
أَخٌ مِن سوسِهِ الكَرَمُ
13. I was certain that you
Will inevitably crash
١٣. لَقَد أَيقَنتُ أَنَّكَ لا
مَحالَةَ سَوفَ تَرتَطِمُ
14. And Badr from Bani Hawa
Lives in darkness without him
١٤. وَبَدرٌ مِن بَني حَوّا
ءَ تَعشو دونَهُ الظُلَمُ
15. Some people blame you
With the blame of blame though they have not known
١٥. يَلومُكَ فيهِ أَقوامٌ
بِبَلوى اللَومِ ما أَلَموا
16. And they dispraised him, so the most
intense of what they dispraised was their claim
١٦. وَعابوهُ فَكانَ أَشَد
دَ ما عابوهُ أَن زَعَموا
17. That my princess was
Haughty in her theorizing
١٧. بِأَنَّ أَميرَتي غَرّا
ءُ في عِرنَينِها شَمَمُ
18. And heavy in her hips
And crushing in her sides
١٨. وَفي أَردافِها ثِقَلٌ
وَفي أَترابِها هَضَمُ
19. And wide in her fangs
So they portrayed her wrongly without knowledge
١٩. وَفي أَنيابِها فَلَجٌ
فَأَطرَوها وَما عَلِموا
20. My heart will not lack love
Or anger for their spite
٢٠. فَلا عَدِمَ الهَوى قَلبي
لِغَيظِهِمُ وَلا عَدِموا
21. Empty of love for the white one
Whose lips are red
٢١. خُلُوّاً مِن هَوى البيضِ ال
لَذي بِشِفاهِها حَمَمُ
22. If love does not
Make your hands distributed
٢٢. إِذا ما الحُبُّ لَم يَجعَل
أَيادي مِنكَ تُقتَسَمُ
23. And one embraced you
In love as a relative
٢٣. وَكانَ لِواحِدٍ حَتّى
يَضُمُّكَ في الهَوى رَحِمُ
24. So people blamed you
They were unjust and oppressive
٢٤. فَلامَكَ فيهِ أَقوامٌ
فَقَد جاروا وَقَد ظَلَموا