1. Do not sit long where the house is unprotected,
And do not fret from the separation.
١. على دمنةِ الدار لا تربع
ومن حذَرِ البينِ لا تجزع
2. If companionship seems broken,
Leave off every stubborn hothead.
٢. إن بان إلفٌ فواصلُ سواهُ
ودع عنكَ كلّ فتىً ميلَع
3. Drink the wine, play the flute,
Sip the overflow of brimming cups.
٣. بشُربِ المدامِ ونَيكِ القيان
ورشفِ رضابِ الرشا الأتلعِ
4. In the beauty of gazelles and spring's bloom,
Take off your clothes and take them off again.
٤. وفي مثل غزلانٍ فضلِ الربيع
عذاركَ فاخلعهُ ثم اخلع
5. Let the water flow past the drinkers,
While you lie back outstretched.
٥. دع الماءَ يشرق به شاربوهُ
ودونكَ راحَكَ فاسترضع
6. Be a man who brings together all threads,
Commits adultery and makes love in every bedroom.
٦. وكن رجلاً جامعاً للأمو
ر يزني ويلتاطَ في موضع
7. If you are not satisfied by those who walk the earth,
Then you and desire, little pretender...
٧. إذا لم تنك من ينيك الورى
فما أنتَ والفتك يا مدعي
8. Help your brother in his frailty
And accomplish everything that makes him glad.
٨. وساعد أخاك على غيّه
وكلّ الذي سرّهُ فاصنع
9. With lies, then, witness for him and swear
Oaths for him before a judge you have persuaded.
٩. وبالزور فاشهد له واحلفنَّ
عليهِ لدى الحكم المُقنع
10. Slander his opponent until he says,
"Your witness, sir, is the upright man."
١٠. وباهِت له الخصمَ حتّى يقولَ
قاضيكَ يا صدقً ذا المدعي
11. Your brother, your brother is the medicine of the eyes.
If he vanishes, then make excuses for him and consent.
١١. أخوكَ أخوكَ دواءُ العيونِ
فإن غابَ فاعذر لهُ واقنع
12. If he dies, then dig him up from his grave
And wrap him in the coverings he was buried in.
١٢. فإن ماتَ فانبشهُ من قبرهِ
وأكفانهُ جُعداً فانزِع
13. Pray over him with curses upon him, and say,
"You have gone off dead, and won't be back!"
١٣. وصلّ عليهِ بلَعن عليهِ
وقُل قد ذهبتَ فلا ترجع
14. This has been my advice; accept it,
Words of the men of your times: so listen and wake up!
١٤. نصيحكَ فاقبل فهذا مقالُ
رجالِ زمانِكَ فاسمع وع