
Your tears poured out

فاضت دموعك ساكبه

1. Your tears poured out
Grieving for the death of your protector

١. فاضَت دُموعُكَ ساكِبَه
جَزَعاً لِمَصرَعِ والِبَه

2. Usamah's death brought about grief
In the wailing alley

٢. قامَت بِمَوتِ أَبي أُسا
مَةَ في الزُقاقِ النادِبَه

3. Grief arose, uttering
Nothing but the truth

٣. قامَت تَبُثُّ مِنَ المَكا
رِمِ غَيرَ قيلِ الكاذِبَه

4. The tribes of Asad and Nizār mourned him

٤. فُجِعَت بَنو أَسَدٍ بِهِ
وَبَنو نِزارٍ قاطِبَه

5. With her words and her leader
In hazardous affairs

٥. بِلِسانِها وَزَعيمِها
عِندَ الأُمورِ الحازِبَه

6. Do not make Abu Usamah distant
For death is a duty

٦. لا تَبعَدَنَّ أَبا أُسا
مَةَ فَالمَنِيَّةُ واجِبَه

7. Death takes the life
Of every person with unerring arrows

٧. كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ تَغتالُهُ
مِنها سِهامٌ صائِبَه

8. Impermanence was prescribed for servants
So every soul shall pass away

٨. كُتِبَ الفَناءُ عَلى العِبا
دِ فَكُلُّ نَفسٍ ذاهِبَه

9. How many dear ones have you left behind
With worries against you set up

٩. كَم مِن أَخٍ لَكَ قَد تَرَك
تَ هُمومَهُ بِكَ ناصِبَه

10. He had thought it too grave before your death
That you would take the place of the successor

١٠. قَد كانَ يَعظُمُ قَبلَ مَو
تِكَ أَن تَنوبَ النائِبَه