
O night that lies in its shadows

يا ليلة بت في دياجيها

1. O night that lies in its shadows
I am quenched by the gentlest of its winds

١. يا لَيلَةً بِتُّ في دَياجيها
أُسقى مِنَ الراحِ صَفوَ صافيها

2. Our cup of joy spins swiftly
Musk is emitted from its corners

٢. تَدورُ بِالسَعدِ كَأسُنا عَجَلاً
قَد فُتِّتَ المِسكُ في نَواحيها

3. The eye desires not but to see beauty
Except it saw it in the palm of its pourer

٣. ما تَشتَهي العَينُ أَن تَرى حَسَناً
إِلّا رَأَتهُ في كَفِّ ساقيها

4. A summer breeze like a young man suitable
For two matters, like a bent branch

٤. وَصيفَةٌ كَالغُلامِ تَصلُحُ لِل
أَمرَينِ كَالغُصنِ في تَثَنّيها

5. In a flowered scarf adorned by its necklace
Its mole stabbed its cheeks

٥. في قُرطُقٍ زانَهُ تَخَرسُنُها
قَد عَقرَبَت صُدغَها مَداريها

6. God completed her creation then said to her
When she was perfected in her beauty

٦. كَمَّلَها اللَهُ ثُمَّ قالَ لَها
لَمّا اِستَتَمَّت في حُسنِها إيها

7. If the most beautiful were asked to describe her beauty
It wouldn't be able to do so out of weakness

٧. لَو قيلَ لِلحُسنِ صِف مَحاسِنَها
ما اِسطاعَ ضَعفاً بِذاكَ يَحكيها

8. I drink a cup from her hand and she drinks
A cup of sickness in the soul running through her

٨. أَشرَبُ كَأساً مِن كَفِّها وَلَها
كَأسُ سَقامٍ في النَفسِ تُجريها

9. Until drunkenness weighed down her eyelids
And her cheeks went slack after it

٩. حَتّى إِذا السُكرُ كَفُّ نَخوَتِها
وَلانَ مِن بَعدِها حَواشيها

10. And I was able to secretly caress her
I gently extended my hand to her mouth

١٠. وَأَمكَنَتني مِنها مُخاتَلَةً
مَدَدتُ رِفقاً كَفّي إِلى فيها

11. She jerked away at that and shuddered
Then I drew her to me to please her

١١. فَأَعرَضَت عِندَ ذاكَ وَاِرتَعَدَت
ثُمَّ تَناوَلتُها لِأُرضيها

12. She said "why have you come?" I said
"O most beautiful of all people combined"

١٢. قالَت لِذا زُرتَنا فَقُلتُ لَها
يا أَحسَنَ الناسِ كُلُّهُم تيها

13. If not for my affliction I wouldn't have endured agony
Otherwise death would be seen in its lowest forms

١٣. لَولا بَلائي لَما تَجَشَّمتُ أَه
والاً يُرى المَوتُ في أَدانيها

14. Nor would I have endured dangers with a soul
That some of passion used to console

١٤. وَلا تَعَرَّضتُ لِلحُتوفِ بِنَف
سٍ كانَ بَعضُ الغَرامِ يُسليها

15. Greetings to the one my soul pursues
And the one my wishes were from

١٥. أَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِمَن تَتَبَّعُهُ
نَفسي وَمَن كانَ مِن أَمانيها

16. I spend a night in which I enjoyed
Kissing her sometimes and pouring for her

١٦. فَبِتُّ في لَيلَةٍ نَعِمتُ بِها
أَلثُمُها تارَةً وَأَسقيها

17. And I attained perfumes from her perfumes
And enabled my soul from its wishes

١٧. وَأَجتَني الطيبَ مِن أَطايِبِها
وَأُمكِنُ النَفسَ مِن أَمانيها

18. Quenching the thirst of this description wherever it was
And not quenching the house that harbored its songs

١٨. سَقياً لِذا الوَصفِ حَيثُ كانَ وَلا
سَقياً لِدارٍ أَقوَت مَغانيها