
I do not weep for the abode which virtue has deserted

لست بدار عفت وغيرها

1. I do not weep for the abode which virtue has deserted,
Nor for the places thereof which the winds and rains have effaced;

١. لَستُ بِدارٍ عَفَت وَغَيَّرَها
ضِربانِ مِن قَطرِها وَحاصِبِها

2. Nor for which of its graceful and delicate damsels I should mourn;
Its vestiges have been swept by the winds and showers around it.

٢. وَلا لِأَيِّ الطُلولِ أَندُبُها
لِلريحِ وَالرُقشِ مِن قَرانِبِها

3. Neither do we prolong our laments when the intention has wandered,
And thought turns away from what has passed of it.

٣. وَلا نُطيلُ البُكا إِذا شَطَّتِ ال
نِيَّةُ وَاِستَعبَرَت لِذاهِبِها

4. But we are lords of bounty and Sa'na'a is ours,
As is musk from its combatant youths.

٤. بَل نَحنُ أَربابُ ناعِطٍ وَلَنا
صَنعاءُ وَالمِسكُ مِن مَحارِبِها

5. And our ruler was al-Dhahhak, whom the horsemen and wild beasts
Served, coming from every remote path to him.

٥. وَكانَ مِنّا الضَحّاكُ يَعبُدُهُ ال
خائِلُ وَالوَحشُ مِن مَسارِبِها

6. Our power subdued the desert tribes, greedy and begging for favors
And gifts until we gave them a kingdom whose splendor dazzles the sight.

٦. وَدانَ أَذواؤُنا البَرِيَّةَ مِن
مُعتَرِّها رَغبَةً وَراهِبِها

7. Thus Qabus remained a prisoner in our bonds for seven years
While his realm waited for one who should take charge of it.

٧. وَنَحنُ إِذ فارِسٌ تُدافِعُ بَه
رامَ قَسَطنا عَلى مَزارِبِها

8. Without any crime on our part except that maidens
Of their noble families complained of those who had seized them.

٨. بِالخَيلِ شُعثاً عَلى لَواحِقَ كَال
سيدانِ تُعطي مَدى مَذاهِبِها

9. Whenever a captive tripped she cried "Shame!" and "Lack of pleasure
On him who brought this upon me!"

٩. بِالسودِ مِن حِميَرٍ وَمِن سُلَفٍ
أَرغَنَ وَالشُمِّ مِن مَناسِبِها

10. Woe to him who violates holy things, who fears not
Swooping calamity on a day of disaster!

١٠. وَيَومَ ساتيدَما ضَرَبنا بَني ال
أَصفَرِ وَالمَوتُ في كَتائِبِها

11. Who flees from the spears though he be accused;
Who finds death coming towards him with gripping fingers!

١١. إِذ لاذَ بِروازُ يَومَ ذاكَ بِنا
وَالحَربُ تَمري بِكَفِّ حالِبِها

12. Take then pride in Qahtan without gloom, for Hatem is bounteous;
Nor do you see a knight like his knights

١٢. يَذودُ عَنهُ بَنو قَبيصَةَ بِال
خَطِّيِّ وَالبيضِ مِن قَواضِبِها

13. When thoughts have ceased crowding on his mind.
There were 'Amr and Qais and the two Ash'ars,

١٣. حَتّى دَفَعنا إِلَيهِ مَملَكَةً
يَنحَسِرُ الطَرفُ عَن مَواكِبِها

14. And Zaid was a lion of steeds, playing with them.
They turned away to chase wild beasts with scraggy hair

١٤. وَفاظَ قابوسُ في سَلاسِلِنا
سِنينَ سَبعاً وَفَت لِحاسِبِها

15. And noble hawks in the thickets captured them.
The living Ghassan and 'Iyla' were endowed with kingship and gained

١٥. وَنَحنُ حُزنا مِن غَيرِ ما كَنَبٍ
بَناتِ أَشرافِهِم لِغاصِبِها

16. Fortune's gifts even from those who envy them.
And Khimyar, whose decisions the nobles cause to be carried out;

١٦. مِن كُلِّ مَسبِيَّةٍ إِذا عَثَرَت
قالَت لَعاً مُتعَةً لِكاسِبِها

17. They love the most honored position through their glory.
Love Quraish because of the love of Ahmad;

١٧. تَعساً لِمَن ضَيَّعَ المَحارِمَ يَو
مَ الرَوعِ يَجتاحُ مِن صَواحِبِها

18. Acknowledge their abundance of gifts!
When Quraish traced their lineage

١٨. وَفَرَّ مِن خَشيَةِ الطِعانِ وَأَن
يَلقى المَنايا بِكَفِّ جالِبِها

19. The half (of glory) belonged to them as their share.
The mother of the rightly guided one, al Mahdi,

١٩. فَاِفخَر بِقَحطانَ غَيرَ مُكتَإِبٍ
فَحاتِمُ الجودِ مِن مَناقِبِها

20. (She is) the mother of Musa - the best part of us,
So boast of her relationship!

٢٠. وَلا تَرى فارِساً كَفارِسِها
إِذ زالَتِ الهامُ عَن مَناكِبِها

21. If she contends with us we have naught to boast of
Except our traffic from our trade that profits us.

٢١. عَمروٌ وَقَيسٌ وَالأَشتَرانِ وَزَي
دُ الخَيلِ أُسدٌ لَدى مَلاعِبِها

22. Attack (the tribe of) Niz?r and quench their ardor!
And rend the curtain veiling their shameful deeds!

٢٢. بَل مِل إِلى الصيدِ مِن أَشاعِثِها
وَالسادَةِ الغُرِّ مِن مَهالِبِها

23. As for (the tribe of) Tamim, they are not to be blamed
If a slave stammers in their idiom!

٢٣. وَالحَيُّ غَسّانُ وَالأُلى أودِعوا ال
مُلكَ وَحازوا عِرنينَ ناصِبِها

24. The first and the last glory belongs to them,
If glory be mentioned - they bent its bow!

٢٤. وَحِميَرٌ تَنطِقُ الرِجالُ بِما اِخ
تارَت مِنَ الفَضلِ في مَراتِبِها

25. And wretched is the noble's pride in a thin, yellow reed
Of Samha that casts no shade in barren lands!

٢٥. أَحبِب قُرَيشاً لِحُبِّ أَحمَدِها
وَاِعرِف لَها الجَزلَ مِن مَواهِبِها

26. And Qais 'Ail?n! I wish for them nothing
Save their battle days and the striking of the spears!

٢٦. إِنَّ قُرَيشاً إِذا هِيَ اِنتَسَبَت
كانَ لَها الشَطرُ مِن مَناسِبِها

27. And verily foul conduct will ruin them,
And loose tongues will release their venom against them!

٢٧. فَأُمُّ مَهدِيِّ هاشِمٍ أُمِّ مو
سى الخَيرِ مِنّا فَاِفخَر وَسامِ بِها

28. The tribe of Aasad did not keep back their hounds from devouring
The slaves of 'Irn?nah taken captive from them on costly camels.

٢٨. إِن فاخَرَتنا فَلا اِفتِخارَ لَها
إِلّا التِجاراتُ مِن مَكاسِبِها

29. Bakr Ibn Wa'il have no protection
Except lies and foolish men!

٢٩. وَاِهجُ نِزاراً وَاِفرِ جِلدَتَها
وَهَتِّكِ السَترَ عَن مَثالِبِها

30. The tribe of Taghlib laments past days but does not take blood revenge
For their slain one though he fills their valleys.

٣٠. أَمّا تَميمٌ فَغَيرُ داحِضَةٍ
ما شَلشَلَ العَبدُ في شَوارِبِها

31. They gained their sister (in marriage) for the lowest bridal gift under duress
While no sense of honor resides in her suitor (to make him object).

٣١. أَوَّلُ مَجدٍ لَها وَآخِرُهُ
إِن ذُكِرَ المَجدُ قَوسُ صاحِبِها

٣٢. وَبِئسَ فَخرُ الكَريمِ مِن قَصَبِ ال
شَوحَطِ صَفراءُ في مَعالِبِها

٣٣. وَقَيسُ عَيلانَ لا أُريدُ لَها
مِنَ المَخازي سِوى مَحارِبِها

٣٤. وَإِنَّ أَكلَ الأَمرَ موبِقُها
وَمُطلِقٌ مِن لِسانِ عائِبِها

٣٥. وَلَم تَعَف كَلبَها بَنو أَسَدٍ
عَبيدَ عيرانَةٍ وَراكِبِها

٣٦. وَما لِبَكرِ بنِ وائِلٍ عِصَمٌ
إِلّا بِحَمقائِها وَكاذِبِها

٣٧. وَتَغلِبٌ تَندُبُ الطُلولَ وَلَم
تَثأَر قَتيلاً عَلى ذَنائِبِها

٣٨. نيلَت بِأَدنى المُهورِ أُختَهُمُ
قَسراً وَلَم يَدمُ أَنفُ خاطِبِها