
Poetry blamed me for being self-sufficient

عاتبني الشعر ذا إكاف

1. Poetry blamed me for being self-sufficient
And God said of you, that is sufficient

١. عاتَبَني الشِعرُ ذا إِكافِ
وَقالَ لي اللَهُ مِنكَ كافِ

2. Whoever you said is not worth
A tent pole made of disagreement

٢. هَجاكَ مَن قُلتَ لا يُساوي
عودَ خِلالٍ مِنَ الخِلافِ

3. So when you did not answer him, it would have been better
Not to degrade rhymes with it

٣. فَكُنتَ إِذ لَم تُجِبهُ أَحرى
أَن لا بِهِ تَقذُرُ القَوافي

4. I was like the donkey's master, tired
So he kept exceeding the limit

٤. كُنتُ كَرَبِّ الحِمارِ أَعيا
فَظَلَّ يَسطو عَلى الإِكافِ

5. O Lord, of one who is deluded, so gets blamed
The bubbles are similar to the little bubbles

٥. يا رَبُّ مِن راسِبٍ فَتُهجى
شَبيهَةُ الفَقعِ بِالفَيافي

6. Or with you I compare myself
Hornet, O vast forgetfulness

٦. أَو بِكَ أَبغي أَقيسُ نَفسي
زُنبورُ يا واسِعَ السِلافِ

7. Or the bravest, and he is from Sulaym
In what they transmitted, the paper of Khadaf

٧. أَو أَشجَعٌ وَهوَ مِن سُلَيمٍ
فيما رَوَوا رُقعَةُ الخِضافِ

8. It is enough for you what is in them, so leave them
More effective than remedies

٨. يَكفيكَ ما فيهِمُ فَدَعهُم
أَنفَذُ وَقعاً مِنَ الأَشافي