
I've grown too old for reproach

أعاذل قد كبرت عن العتاب

1. I've grown too old for reproach,
And the prime time has passed with youth.

١. أَعاذِلَ قَد كَبُرتُ عَنِ العِتابِ
وَبانَ الأَطيَبانِ مَعَ الشَبابِ

2. I pardon your blame and reproach of me—
One like me is not chastened with censure.

٢. أَعاذِلَ عَنكِ مَعتَبَتي وَلَومي
فَمِثلي لا يُقَرَّعُ بِالعِتابِ

3. I don't avert my eyes out of coyness,
Does one like me ever lack an answer?

٣. أَعاذِلَ لَيسَ إِطراقي لِعَيِّن
وَهَل مِثلي يَكِلُّ عَنِ الجَوابِ

4. Rather I'm a lad who wasted my life
On the sweetest drinking there can be.

٤. وَلَكِنّي فَتىً أَفنَيتُ عُمري
بِأَطيَبِ ما يَكونُ مِنَ الشَرابِ

5. With a slender, sword-like waist, cheap
As though his cheek beams a mirage.

٥. وَمَقدودٍ كَقَدِّ السَيفِ رَخصٍ
كَأَنَّ بِخَدِّهِ لَمعُ السَرابِ

6. I lined them up before me and took them together,
All stripped bare of their clothes.

٦. صَفَفتُ عَلى يَدَيهِ ثُمَّ بِتنا
جَميعاً عارِيَينِ مِنَ الثِيابِ

7. May I be bereft of manners and etiquette if I don't
Establish an argument on Judgment Day.

٧. ثَكَلتُ الظُرفَ وَالآدابَ إِن لَم
أُقِم لي حُجَّةً يَومَ الحِسابِ