
Oh brightness of this life with which

يا بهجة الدنيا التي

1. Oh brightness of this life with which
The world was adorned

١. يا بَهجَةَ الدُنيا الَّتي
كانَت بِهِ الدُنيا تَحَلَّت

2. My tears have flowed and flowed
For your loss

٢. قَلَّت لِفَقدِكَ عَبرَةٌ
أَذرَيتُها قَلَّت وَقَلَّت

3. When he walked in their slippers
To the Most High, stumbling

٣. لَمّا مَشى في نَعلِ هِم
مَتِهِ إِلى العَلياءِ زَلَّت

4. As if he were a star cast down
By fate relentless

٤. فَكَأَنَّهُ نَجمٌ هَوى
قَذَفَت بِهِ دَجنٌ فَوَلَّت

5. We have become grief-stricken, inconsolable
One day bereaved, deprived

٥. صِرنا أُسىً إِن عُزِّيَت
يَوماً بِنا ثَكلى تَسَلَّت