
Oh my heart, what effort from you, with such burdens

يا قلب ويحك جد منك ذا الكلف

1. Oh my heart, what effort from you, with such burdens
And those I burdened are harsh as you describe

١. يا قَلبُ وَيحَكَ جِدٌّ مِنكَ ذا الكَلَفُ
وَمَن كَلِفتُ بِهِ جافٍ كَما تَصِفُ

2. And it would be right for him to love you with dedication
That is how the predecessors informed us from the past

٢. وَكانَ في الحَقِّ أَن يَهواكَ مُجتَهِداً
كَذاكَ خَبَّرَ مِنّا الغابِرُ السَلَفُ

3. Say to the beautiful one, will you not recount the narrative with what
You differed in, and it has come in the scriptures

٣. قُل لِلمَليحِ أَما تَروي الحَديثَ بِما
خالَفتَ فيهِ وَقَد جاءَت بِهِ الصُحُفُ

4. Indeed hearts are regiments, regimented
For God on earth, differing in passions

٤. إِنَّ القُلوبَ لَأَجنادٌ مُجَنَّدَةٌ
لِلَّهِ في الأَرضِ بِالأَهواءِ تَختَلِفُ

5. That which agrees between them unites them
And that which disputes between them divides them

٥. فَما تَعارَفَ مِنها فَهوَ مُؤتَلِفٌ
وَما تَناكَرَ مِنها فَهوَ مُختَلِفُ