1. Praise wine for its virtues,
And name it with its finest names.
١. أَثنِ عَلى الخَمرِ بِآلائِها
وَسَمِّها أَحسَنَ أَسمائِها
2. Do not let water overcome it,
Nor give it power over its substance.
٢. لا تَجعَلِ الماءَ لَها قاهِراً
وَلا تُسَلِّطها عَلى مائِها
3. Like an emancipated slave girl
Who has endured captivity for ages,
٣. كَرخِيَّةٌ قَد عُتِّقَت حَقبَةً
حَتّى مَضى أَكثَرُ أَجزائِها
4. Until most of her limbs had wasted away,
Leaving her master naught but her last locks.
٤. فَلَم يَكَد يُدرِكُ خَمّارُها
مِنها سِوى آخِرَ حَوبائِها
5. She revolved, alive without blame,
The souls that pine for her and her likes.
٥. دارَت فَأَحيَت غَيرَ مَذمومَةٍ
نُفوسَ حَسراها وَأَنضائِها
6. And there is a group who drink wine
Who, though few, are its equals.
٦. وَالخَمرُ قَد يَشرَبُها مَعشَرٌ
لَيسوا إِذا عُدّوا بِأَكفائِها