1. The camels bowed to the beauty of your face
And found rest in your beauty
١. سَجَدَ الجَمالُ لِحُسنِ وَج
هِكَ وَاِستَراحَ إِلى جَمالِك
2. The maidens of Paradise yearned
To leave eternity for your ideal
٢. وَتَشَوَّقَت حورُ الجِنا
نِ مِنَ الخُلودِ إِلى مِثالِك
3. So I fell in love when I saw you
And depended on our union
٣. فَعَشِقتُ وَجهَكَ إِذ رَأَي
تُكَ وَاِعتَمَدتُ عَلى وِصالِك
4. O you who wrong me, the lover
Is not, even if he endures, one of your men
٤. يا ظالِمي لَيسَ المُحِب
بُ وَإِن تَجَلَّدَ مِن رِجالِك