1. The flush of youth still plays upon his cheek,
The amulet of joy lies on his brow,
١. وَغَريرِ الشَبابِ مُحتَبِكِ الحُس
نِ عَلى جيدِهِ مَناطُ التَميمِ
2. Luxuriant living makes his face glow red,
Corrupting his innocent nature.
٢. قَد غَذاهُ النَعيمُ فَاِحمَرَّتِ الوَج
نَةُ مِنهُ عَلى فَسادِ الحُلومِ
3. He lowers his languid lids over his eyes,
Warily guarding his heart from his boon companion.
٣. فَهوَ عَفُّ الجُفونِ في النَظَرِ العَم
دِ حِذاراً عَلى فُؤادِ النَديمِ
4. He sways as he walks, graceful and lithe
In the perfection of his form.
٤. يَتَثَنّى إِذا مَشى فَهوَ لَدنٌ
في اِعتِدالٍ بِجودَةِ التَقويمِ
5. The bottle has wounded his hand -
There you can see the scars from those revels.
٥. أَندَبَت كَفُّهُ الزُجاجَةُ وَهناً
فَهيَ فيها جِراحُ تِلكَ الكُلومِ
6. He is the traveller who has come to us
From the flasks of the choicest wine of Khartoum,
٦. فَهُوَ الراحِلُ المَطِيَّ إِلَينا
مِن أَباريقَ صَفوَةَ الخُرطومِ
7. The daughter of generosity, whom the generous man
Has granted freedom, a delicate slip of a girl.
٧. بِنتُ كَرمٍ أَباحَها كَرَمُ الجَو
هَرِ مِنهُ وَرِقَّةُ في الأَديمِ
8. She joins the roebuck and the oryx
As they race over the barren land,
٨. تَلحَقُ الظَبيَ وَالظَليمَ مِنَ الجَر
يِ وَتُزري بِكَربَةِ المَغمومِ
9. And a companion whose ransom I would pay
With any ransom - his face invites all pleasures.
٩. وَنَديمٍ فَدَيتُهُ مِن نَديمٍ
وَجهُهُ جالِبٌ لِكُلِّ نَعيمِ
10. He poured into my cup till it overflowed
With a mature vintage, sealed wine.
١٠. مَجَّ في الكَأسِ ريقَهُ وَسَقاني
مِن شَرابٍ مُعَتَّقٍ مَختومِ