
I directed my passion towards a moon

إني صرفت الهوى إلى قمر

1. I directed my passion towards a moon
That does not contend with eyes through looking

١. إِنّي صَرَفتُ الهَوى إِلى قَمَرٍ
لا يَتَحَدّى العُيونَ بِالنَظَرِ

2. When you contemplate it, you are awed
By the admission that it is human

٢. إِذا تَأَمَّلتَهُ تَعاظَمَكَ ال
إِقرارُ في أَنَّهُ مِنَ البَشَرِ

3. Then denial returns, knowing
From you, when you compare it to forms

٣. ثُمَّ يَعودُ الإِنكارُ مَعرِفَةً
مِنكَ إِذا قِستَهُ إِلى الصُوَرِ

4. The field of hearts is lawful to it
It takes from them the choicest of fruits

٤. مُباحَةٌ ساحَةُ القُلوبِ لَهُ
يَأخُذُ مِنها أَطايِبَ الثَمَرِ