
I eulogize a rooster from the roosters of India

أنعت ديكا من ديوك الهند

1. I eulogize a rooster from the roosters of India
Noble uncle and noble grandfather

١. أَنعَتُ ديكاً مِن دُيوكِ الهِندِ
كَريمَ عَمِّ وَكَريمَ جَدِّ

2. Of a lineage not to Ma'add
Nor to Qudaa' or to Al-Azd

٢. لِنِسبَةٍ لَيسَت إِلى مَعَدٍّ
وَلا قُضاعِيٍّ وَلا في الأَزدِ

3. With feathers widespread, strong physique
Big talons, mighty wings

٣. مُفَتَّحِ الريشِ شَديدِ الزَندِ
ضَخمِ المَخاليبِ عَظيمِ العَضدِ

4. Until when the rooster was mounted after
And his star in bad luck, not in good fortune

٤. حَتّى إِذا الديكُ اِرتَطى مِن بَعدِ
وَنَجمُهُ في النَحسِ لا في السَعدِ

5. I saw him like the well-prepared knight
Who takes a leap like the leap of a lion

٥. رَئيتُهُ كَالفارِسِ المُعِدِّ
يَخطُرُ خَطراً مِثلَ خَطرِ الأُسدِ

6. He spurs him with effort after effort
And tiredness connected with struggle

٦. يَقُشُّهُ بِالكَدِّ بَعدَ الكَدِّ
وَتَعَبٍ مُوَصَّلٍ بِجَهدِ

7. Until you see the rooster for him like a pole
Thinking highly of it with prostration

٧. حَتّى تَرى الديكَ لَهُ كَالقِدِّ
مُفَكِّراً يَعظُمُهُ بِالسَجدِ

8. Oh what a rooster brought up in the cradle
Oh what a rooster brought up in the cradle

٨. يا لَكَ مِن ديكٍ رُبي في المَهدِ
يا لَكَ مِن ديكٍ رُبي في المَهدِ