
The prisoner of worries, remote is my patience

أسير الهم نائي الصبر عان

1. The prisoner of worries, remote is my patience
My two eyes converse about his qualities

١. أَسيرُ الهَمِّ نائي الصَبرِ عانِ
تُحَدِّثُ عَن جَواهُ المُقلَتانِ

2. The full moon denied its splendor from his eyes
A branch of acacia gleamed in beauty

٢. نَفى عَن عَينِهِ التَهجادَ بَدرٌ
تَأَلَّقَ في المَحاسِنِ غُصنَ بانِ

3. And belonging to fathers of sincerity
I asked for his hand, the unchained lady

٣. وَمُنتَسِبٍ إِلى آباءِ صِدقٍ
خَطَبتُ لَهُ مُعَتَّقَةَ الدِنانِ

4. So when she poured it in the cup's dish
She narrated to the eye the color of cornelian

٤. فَلَمّا صَبَّها في صَحنِ كَأسٍ
حَكَت لِلعَينِ لَونَ البَهرَمانِ

5. As if the cup drags the train of a pearl
Wine dressed it in the attire of saffron

٥. كَأَنَّ الكَأسَ تَسحَبُ ذَيلَ دُرٍّ
كَسَتها الخَمرُ حُلَّةَ زَعفَرانِ

6. With a drinking companion, when she sang in a voice
Alto and soprano voices responded to her

٦. بِمُسمِعَةٍ إِذا غَنَّت بِصَوتٍ
أَجابَتها المَثالِثُ وَالمَثاني

7. When I get luxury in my life
And I become safe from tribulations

٧. إِذا ما نِلتُ مِن عَيشي رَخاءً
وَصِرتُ مِنَ النَوائِبِ في أَمانِ

8. I rode my passions and left my righteousness
The curb of ignorance totally loosened its rein on me

٨. رَكِبتُ غِوايَتي وَتَرَكتُ رُشدي
وَكَفُّ الجَهلِ مُطلِقَةٌ عِناني

9. Alas! What is old age to me and what is my head
Eyes warded me off but did not protect me

٩. أَلا ما لِلمَشيبِ وَما لِرَأسي
حَمى عَنّي العُيونَ وَما حَماني